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Copper Horn Feedback [Bedrock Beta]


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  • 31
    Registered User commented
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    I wanted the copper horns, when using in front of the Warden (at the moment of anger), he would calm down.

  • 18
    Registered User commented
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    I really liked the idea of ​​the copper horn, and I find it very useful because it completes the notebook, it is also very different from the other sounds in the game, so if a friend and I are lost in a cave, I can play the horn so he can follow sound to me with the newly added 3D sound system

  • 29
    Registered User commented
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    with the copper horn you can stun the warden, and you can get the warden ears, and with the warden ears you can hear some special sound

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    It's really good to have useless but funny features. I find that we should not put a real utility to the horn.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    This horn does not contribute to anything, better that it is not in the game, because all it does is delay them, Even though it's supposedly for socializing, it's an absurd way to do it.

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    I'm unsure if this is possible, but maybe horns can "overload" skulk sensors for a short time in a nearby radius so they fit with this update, maybe making them give off a constant signal for a while after you use the horn. Or a comparator connected to a skulk sensor could output different redstone signals based on the type of horn used near it similar to how each music disc gives off a different signal when played. I think that would be really cool to allow different crazy redstone contraptions that would do different things based on the horn you're currently using.

  • 25
    Registered User commented
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    The goat horn sounds are a little weird. At least the names should be tweaked to fit the tune better.

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    Cool instrument item, would love to have this block be interactive with redstone such as a noteblock using the horn in its crafting to create the sound so you can make some cool noise contraptions or doorbells.

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    I like the idea of the copper horn as an item merely designed for social interaction, but I would prefer being able to play your own melodies with the keyboard or a special UI instead of having several items with predefined melodies

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    idk if this is already a feature  or not,but the goat horn should not produce the ‘looking up’ sound whilst not having complete access to skylight.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Using Screaming goat's copper horn we can make villagers in the radius of 20-30 blocks to follow the player?

  • 17
    Registered User commented
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    When right clicked, instead of pre-recorded sound, it should open a HUD where there are 10 notes, and by pressing the numbers 0 - 9, they will play a different note for each number.
    on mobile there will be a special HUD that doesn't require the numbers obviously, and on console you move the joystick to choose the note you play. 

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    Stunning The warden mob and Sculk blocks would be an great idea and great use for the horns

  • 27
    Registered User commented
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    make the sound of the horn reach at least 100 block away when looking up, These horns can be used as a type of signal when fighting against friends in survival, 

  • 37
    Registered User commented
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    The copper horn could be able to be put in a dispenser so you can play its noise with redstone, this can be used to create alarms, songs and such. Or you could make a specific block to play the horn since the dispenser currently has no sounds related features.

    If you put a horn in this new block and give it max redstone signal strength it would play the sound for playing the horn while looking up. 7 or less signal strength and it plays the sound for when you are crouching. All other signal strengths play the regular noise.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    The goat horn or the copper horn should provide a single note that is played continuously as long as the player keeps holding the "use item" button, with just a breath timing like the one when you're underwater. In functionality, it should serve as a way to call animals in a radius to follow you, like a herdsman do. Maybe each goat horn provide an unique sound attached to a specific animal.

  • 25
    Registered User commented
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    The warden will prioritize and lock onto the player that blows the goat horn,instead of other players,unless another player attacks it.It will not be distracted by snowball.The despawn time will be increased another 30 seconds as well.

    Also,there should be an advancement for obtaining all the goat horns and copper horns.

    Edit;The goat horn should also strike a shreiker three times(spawns warden on first try instead of after 3 activations),and a sensor would give out a Redstone signal of 15when measured a by compartor.

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    I think that the different sounds made by the different types of copper horns could attract different types mobs to the player depending on the copper horn's sound, only while the sound is playing, and you have to wait until the cool-down finishes before playing it again, making that mob type move closer. This would include some hostile mobs. If the copper horn is put into a dispenser, or something similar, when activated by redstone, it would play that sound from the block, attracting mobs within a certain radius of the block. This would be useful if you don't have a lead or you want to get all of a certain type of mob to go to one place, and with the dispenser idea, players could make better farms for some mobs. It would also help with separating the different mobs if they're mixed up in a crowd. This should be fairly simple to implement as mobs can already be attracted to food held by the player.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    If it doesn't get any changes I don't think the goat horn should be in the game, though I do think the goat horn definitely needs improvements and the goat needs a use.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    goat horns are great and i don't think it's important for them to have functionality in-game. they are a great feature and i hope they stay in the game. if they were to have a function, i think it should be something like making the allay follow you without having to give it a block and if the allay gets dance animations at some point then the goat horn should be able to make them dance. also, this is not my own idea but in relation to how you obtain got horns i think spamming crouch (or something else should) make the goats angry and charge at you to make it easier to obtain it. there is another feature about goat horns being able to be played using a dispenser, that shouldnt work because in order for a horn to play a sound air needs to be blown into it and unless the dispenser uses some kind of pneumatic system this wouldnt make any sense

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    The copper horn can continue with the social idea but it must also have some function to affect the gameplay, my main argument is that this social only idea makes this item useless for a side of the community that plays solo (like me) . This turns Minecraft into a game with accessibility problems and that disrespects a portion of its players, which I believe is not an ideal of Mojang.
    Here is a little feedback on the item and I really hope you will consider and value the feedback from a big fan.

    (sorry for the english mistakes i'm not fluent)

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    Horns and Copper horns should be able to extend the note range of noteblocks (either by clicking on them with horns or crafting a new noteblock type with them). Regular horns could increase range down by an octave, and copper horns could increase the range up. Note blocks just need more range, and copper horns seem like they’d be a great fit!

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Getting the horn is a little frustrating due to random, so it would be nice if the sound of the horn depended on the block the goat hits. And I think it is worth explaining this mechanic as an advancement in the advancements tab. I would also like to see more sounds to make a collection of horns in my singleplayer world. Sounds cool: "collecting sounds", huh.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    The copper goat horns are really fun, i wanna see them in the full release so when my friends hear a sound in the distance they know it's me.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I don't see a real use for goat horns on singleplayer, so I have 2 ideas:
    1. The horn could be used to activate a sculk sensor from a greater distance.
    2.The horn will activate the sculk sensor ignoring the wool around it, I imagine one door that can only be opened by blowing a horn.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Horn which plays raid sounds can highlight raid mobs instead of bell and bell only alarm villagers about raid.. chance of obtaining that horn should be low or if warden is chasing player it can stun him
    or few seconds like 10 seconds and warden start to chase player slowly but player can't use that forever after 3-4 times horn won't effect warden.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I think it would be unique if you could put potions into it, making it a longer range potion launcher. i believe that this would be a unique addition for pvp, and would be a fun roleplay option. it would also be cool if it stunned the warden. this in combo with the potion launching mechanic means you could launch a potion of the turtle master to slow it down greatly while stunning it.

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    You should be able to attract nearby raid mobs during a raid with the goat horn.

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    Amazing, I think there should be a block that can play these sounds, so players could use it with redstone and noteblocks.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I like the idea of using them to make either villagers (maybe all as a group or individual jobs) follow you for each goat horn. Using the copper variant the player can use the horn to make certain hostile mobs follow(maybe limit other mob spawns as well?) them for a certain amount of time. This would work great for sorting villagers or luring a certain mob say a pillager captain. As far as the up, middle or down facing play of the horn that can be used for a desired radius or simply to attract/ scatter / deter the mobs. Other implementations for the goat horn obviously related to the warden by either attracting or deterring them. However one final way to use the goat horns would be to give the player a temporary X-ray to see hitboxes of mobs behind walls to make cave spawn proofing much easier and this once again can be done with a radius close to far for each of the 3 ways facing when played