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Updated Touch Controls Feedback [Bedrock Beta]



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  • 188
    Registered User commented
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    Pls add an option to enable buttons which adds F5, F1 etc to screen

  • 275
    Registered User commented
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    the ability to change the position of the buttons would be appreciated! ❤️

  • 115
    Registered User commented
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    It's great to see these changes and since you're working on new buttons and a user interface I suggest adding a button at the crafting table "craft all" that makes it easier for you to transfer the resources you have. For example, you have 64 oak log that you want to convert all to oak wood. Instead of continuous pressure, you press the "craft all" button and it will convert all of it to facilitate the process (With just one click)

  • 70
    Registered User commented
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    Add a special button for opening the elytra and the fireworks in order to facilitate a flight operation In the classic and other new situations. It will be useful and fast without the need for a high place, and also in servers, in addition, if you fall in the middle of the ocean or lava and there is no land near you

  • 98
    Registered User commented
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    I really like the new controls/buttons but i think that they should be bottom right instead of top right. The joystick is really good and i feel like there is no need to change anything related to it. Also i would love if we're able to customize the placement of the buttons/joy stick instead of being specific to a certain area on the screen.

  • 92
    Registered User commented
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    It's awesome! But you need to add the ability to customize the location of the buttons. We also need to add the ability to place blocks by touch, even if the “Show Action Buttons” option is enabled, this would be very convenient!

  • 39
    Registered User commented
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    Don't fix something if it isn't broken.

    Mobile controls in Minecraft have been the best on a mobile game, the addition of a joystick and whatever the other buttons are just are horrible.

  • 133
    Registered User commented
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    Gyroscope would be useful to aim with bow and other throwable

  • 98
    Registered User commented
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    I like it, but the joystick takes up half my screen >:v

  • 89
    Registered User commented
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    The new control scheme looks and feels smooth so far. As someone who has played with the old one for years, I would easily imagine myself switching to the new one without any trouble. One nitpick I have with the new control scheme however is that the joystick feels like it's located a bit too high on the screen and is a bit too large as of right now. Overall, I'd say it feels pretty great right now.

  • 38
    Registered User commented
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    I wish we can customize the new controls or atleast update the classic ones. I don't like the new one cause of the crosshair. I like swiping and just tapping when you place or break a block.

  • 75
    Registered User commented
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    I like it, but the joystick size doesn't change with the respective setting and takes a lot of the screen



  • 31
    Registered User commented
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    Soo having played on touch for the past 10 years I would say the same: I think that the pad like control is not something I like for a game like minecraft, I think that a WASD button UI would be better suited for this game even though it is what we have had ever since mcpe was released in 2011.

    I think that the crouch and jump buttons as well as the sprint one on the right are not a bad choice however we definitely need the possibility to configure their position since on my device they are place basically in a very high position.

    I think that a good setup would be the "old" wasd array on the left with the new jump and crouch controls on the right.

    If you plan to keep a joystick type of control nontheless I would definitely change its UI since it does not blend at all with the game and looks like one from a Minecraft spinoff and I would also add an option to have it appear and center where the player touches instead of having it in the same fixed position all the time.

    I have to say again that in my opinion a wasd setup is better than a joystick one for minecraft on touch devices.

  • 21
    Registered User commented
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    If you enter settings and then the touch menu, you can turn on 'enable new touch control schemes' and then you can change the 'interaction model' in the drop box below to touch, crosshair or classic.

    If you feel the joystick is taking up too much of the screen you can change the settings/touch options to turn off 'move joystick visible' and 'move joystick visible when not moving'. This will hide the joystick.

    If you do not like the joystick being fixed in the corner of the screen in the setting/touch options you can turn off 'static joystick'. This will then generate the joystick wherever you touch the screen :)

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    I really love the new controls. The joystick feels really natural but it takes some time to get used to.

    Only the buttons are not really on the right position, they are on the top right, which is not that easy to access on my phone.

    Haven't really tried the crosshair mode yet, so I might update on that later on.

  • 19
    Registered User commented
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    It would be nice if the 2 types of controls stay in Minecraft

  • 32
    Registered User commented
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    If the change is to be able to use the secondary hand, I propose that the touch screen be divided into 2 to be able to use both hands. That is: if I touch the right part of the screen, the right hand is activated, and if I touch the left part of the screen, the left hand is activated

  • 25
    Registered User commented
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    Something that should be able to be done is to customize the location of the buttons, or to be able to put and remove buttons from other controls, thus better adapting to the gameplay of each player, and also an option so that when holding down the jump button the player keep jumping or leave it as it is currently "Keep jumping" (I speak Spanish)

  • 49
    Registered User commented
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    the joystick must be 100% square to force a circle looks bad

  • 19
    Registered User commented
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    These buttons are very good for those who like pvp, I was testing and it's easy to use a shield, you can hit it while moving the vision, which is something you don't have on mobile in the official one, you can make bridges running very easy for those who have it difficulty and you can hit the top, you know, it usually doesn't work on the cell phone unless there's an entity or block in front of you, it's still very laggy in beta, like they're very strange crashes that happen for no reason and they could take advantage of these deals of new buttons and add one of f5, they could let us customize the location of the controls on the screen like in mobile shooters like cod or pubg

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    making the player run on the analog is kind of bad and as much as there is a way to change it to a specific button, the button still has many bugs, the analog doesn't work depending on the region of the screen you move it even out of static mode and the animation attack does not follow the speed of the clicks we make on it

  • 102
    Registered User commented
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    having an option to customize the controller would be great!

  • 22
    Registered User commented
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    Algo que lo mejoraría sería que pudiéramos mover los controles a voluntad para que haci estén mas a nuestro alcanze

  • 48
    Registered User commented
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    Please let us use the original controls, maybe make it optional in settings? I think just for accessibility this should be possible :)

  • 17
    Registered User commented
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    This is a great improvement I love the split controls option being able to have dedicated buttons for attack and place will make me switch back to touch. My one gripe is i would like to be able to customize where buttons are. This would be great for pvp or even casual players who can do claw(playing with 3 fingers or more on screen) for example I'd like to be able to move my place and attack buttons up top on left and right. Perhaps if you want to keep it simple for new users I propose maybe an "advanced" section where you can change positions and size of hud elements this is already a vast improvement though!

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    El movimiento de la pantalla va con un ligero lag

    El tamaño del stick es más grande de lo que debería

    Debería permitirse el mover los botones de acción a cualquier lado que el jugador decida

    El juego no aprovecha el multitouch del dispositivo siendo que cuando pones más de dos dedos en pantalla el juego no sabe interpretarlo

    El bote no funciona con el stick

    Faltan opciones para módicar el esquema táctil como el mover o no la pantalla al mantener pulsado un botón

    Faltaría el uso del giroscopio para apuntar con arco/ballesta

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    Overall it is really good, the analog stick like controls are great as well as the sprint button, however I would like 2 things added such as an f5 button to change perspective and make it when you hold the jump button you jump continuously rather than you having to spam the jump button. 

  • 16
    Registered User commented
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    I really like that you decided to make a new touch controls. Please make an option to customize controls, so that you can put buttons in any part of the screen 

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    Looks like an improvement, but I feel as if a custom controls editor is really needed with this kind of overhaul of the control system. There are many new button and changes, so being able to put those buttons where you want and play around with the size of them would be incredible. 

  • 83
    Registered User commented
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    its good. plz make an option to customize controls,so u can put it to any part of the screen