For bug reports, lag, and rendering issues, please use! Share your thoughts on graphics issues like lighting, animations, colors, textures, icons, and effects related to graphics. Torchlight in your hand has been evaluated for its impact on gameplay and rejected.




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    Registered User commented
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    it would be great!.
    but Minecraft Java Edition has a very complex code and I doubt that Mojang will decide to remake the code from scratch, since as we all know Mojang does not CHAMBEA, although it would be very good if they optimized it for at least a PC with at least 4GB of ram.
    although we can upvote this comment so that Mojang sees it.

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    Registered User commented
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    Playing Minecraft 1.21 latest version in android are causing lag,crash and Fps drop,
    i think its on the app that can use too much of RAM, can't play properly,easily can die in Game...