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Set higher render distance for Realms (Java)


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  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Was setting up a new realm for friends today and was honestly shocked at the render distance. We've played on Realms before (different owner) in 1.16/1.17 and liked it, but now... well, maybe it's the different terrain, maybe they have genuinely changed it, but it really took me aback at how poor it was. I don't expect 20 chunk render distances, but I actually went in and did direct comparisons between Realms and Single Player, same seed, same location (slightly different generation quirks) and I would honestly estimate the current Realms render distance at 8 or 9 chunks, which strikes me as unacceptable really.

    I guess it's lucky that this is technically my free trial, as we may well just get a third party server at this point.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    yea i just brought a 90 day  realm subscription, but was very disappointed when i can't even see the ground when imma top a mountain.  

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Totally agre! 

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Im very annoyed by the lack of visibility that the locked rendering distance creates.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I'm now learning how to host a server SMH. My brother bought a gaming PC because I told him JAVA is better, we setup a realm today... whats the point of 1.18 if you cant even see the ground or anything really from the new heights... so lame. 

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Možná by nebylo špatné, kdyby se načtené kousky ukládaly do paměti PC a pak by se znovu načetly nebo o nějaký blok doplnily. většina PC už dnes má minimálně 8 GB RAM , spíše ale 16 GB takže by se tam svět mohl vesele načíst. Je to proveditelné a jednoduché. Navíc jelikož by kousky byly uloženy v paměti RAM nedocházelo by k takovému zatížení cloudu. Při přihlášení by hráč viděl 10 kousků a jak by se pohyboval stáhly by se další a potom by jich mohl vidět 20...

    (‎Perhaps it would not be bad if the loaded pieces were stored in the PC memory and then reloaded or added some kind of block. most PCs today have at least 8 GB of RAM, but rather 16 GB so the world could happily load there. It's doable and simple. Moreover, since the pieces would be stored in RAM, there would be no such load on the cloud. When logging in, the player would see 10 pieces and as he moved, others would be downloaded and then he could see 20...‎) - translated by admin

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Yeah, it's brutally low, especially for 5 people playing together with very very powerful computers. We'd like to set the render distance to whatever we want. Microsoft bought Minecraft, not Apple! Let us decide what's best for us!

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I had no idea render was limited to 12 chunks in java realms. If I had known that I would have stayed paying for a regular server. What are they thinking?

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I would really enjoy it if Mojang could let us increase the render distance on Realms.