Disclaimer:I did not make this to offend Mojang staff, I know it is impossible to please all.
Judging by the title you might think I am over-exaggerating, or that I am being unreasonable but try and hear me out. I have no idea why Mojang/Microsoft Studios thought it would be a good idea to add a new launcher to one that was already fine. If it's not broken, don't fix it. Judging by the 2/5 star reviews, I can't be alone in thinking that this was a completely unnecessary addition to the game. The red bar begging me to install it is aggravating by itself.
Many people in the reviews are having trouble with installing it. Switching accounts is also an extreme pain but at least most players don't have to deal with that aspect. Honestly, it feels like it was released without and rhyme or reason. Also, people who don't like the Microsoft store probably won't install it unless they're forced.
For such an "improved" launcher, it takes away the most beloved features of Java Edition. On there, you cannot switch versions of the game which cuts MILLIONS of people in the PVP community from switching to the preferred version for PVP, 1.8. I personally switch from the latest versions of the game to older versions so this is definitely a drawback.
My final and largest concern is that this may be a mandatory switch in the future. I honestly am frightened by the fact that Mojang is so into version parity. I sure hope that doesn't mean removing our beloved Java-exclusives.
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