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Please change the storage location back


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    Registered User commented
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    bro litrally i cant paste the folder in android data so i cant even get my world that i made from 7 months and my all hardwork got losted that was so frustating and why i cant pase my file bcz of my mobile security i think mojang should do this


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    Registered User commented
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    I am voting for this because it doesn't seem to improve the experience in the game, it makes transferring worlds and resource packs more difficult especially on new versions of Android.

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    Registered User commented
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    I am voting this because the experience is making me disappointed of the new external storage location. please return the old external storage to make the old game gold again 😞

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    Registered User commented
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    Upvoting for the same reasons as the other posters, plus, we're dealing with MICROSOFT here, why is backing up to Onedrive for mobile users still not an option/feature after all this time?
    I've got an older, half-working tablet I want to get rid of, but I can't transfer out my worlds to my newer Samsung tablet due to a lack of root access. There is a growing list of reasons over these past several years as to why I need to start rooting every Android device I get. Ridiculous.