Currently when playing sounds like ambient cave noises through /playsound, you cannot specify which sound you want. I propose you are able to add a way to specify which sound you want to play down to the exact sound file.
This would allow mapmakers to use these sounds (Along with the upcoming ones) when they want, how they want. They could use the clanging ones for elevators, the very scary one with the "clicking" for a monster lurking in the shadows, or the low and bassy ones for any reason that you need a sound cue for. All outright just good scary horror vibes exactly how you want them.
Currently, you do /playsound minecraft:ambient.cave master ...
Instead, you should be able to /playsound minecraft:ambient.cave1 master etc.
Do you want a random cave noise to play anyways? Just don't specify a number!
(Or do /playsound minecraft:ambient.cave* maybe, so the asterisk acts as a wildcard.)
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