What is parity? This category is designed just for features that exist but work one way on one platform, and another way on a different platform. Bugs are not parity! Items in snapshots and betas are subject to change so please be sure to only post about things that are currently released in Minecraft. Please read the intro post before you post!


Stop neglecting Bedrock


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  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    Yeah man, I agree.

  • 16
    Registered User commented
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    Btw Java gets snapshots of the new updates so they can play a bit of the update before everyone on bedrock edition can, and that is just unfair.

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    I really want the Java exclusives on bedrock edition.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Yeah, the things I want most on bedrock that are on Java are snapshots and the Java only servers.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    Actually most say that java is better because that is all that they know.  And really it is hard to switch between versions for them.  I sympathise, I really do BUT they need to request their own version of the game - called Minecraft Classic that can be played on everything too.

    People keep trying to turn Bedrock into Java or trying to get Bedrock Edition nerfed so that more people will play with them on Java (or watch their java youtube channels).  I wish they would stop that.  Bedrock is very good when you understand it.

    We have a thriving tech community, great farms and there is always a way of doing something if you persevere.  So, if you love Java Edition for optifine, thats cool but please don't try and steal the version of the game that so many of us paid for and enjoy.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    Yeah, I tried making a secret fireplace room red stone build and it didn’t work. I did it again and it still didn’t work. Then my sibling tried it and it still. didn’t. work. So we came to the conclusion that the build could only be made on Java. So irritating.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Also, make sure the cross play with the Xbox version not cost money to use your own internet.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    The main reason Mojang does this is because the most popular Minecraft Youtubers and streamers play on Java, eg. Grian, Mumbo Jumbo, DanTDM, PewDiePie, etc. Many gamers around the world play on PC, not necessarily Minecraft, and this sort of advertises to them. It's biased, but it's also Mojang's way of getting new Minecrafters. You can't complain too much. Goats were available in Bedrock to experiment with long before in Java for 1.17.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Jikomatar If all the youtubers and streamers suddenly stopped making content, it wouldn't fix the problem, just make it worse.  Bedrock would get more sales than Java, but the amount of players on both editions would be cut in half or worse.  The content creators are actually helping Bedrock as much as they help Java, because to players just starting the game, there's no "Java edition" or "Bedrock edition", just Minecraft.  And they're much more likely to get Minecraft on a bedrock platform than a Java one.  The only problem is Mojang themselves.  It's true that Bedrock gets to play with things before Java does, but Mojang patches all those up, too.  Mojang took away all Bedrock's exclusives until the biggest one was lava cauldrons, and then they gave that to Java.  They're just using bedrock as a placeholder until they can get Java to other platforms.  

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    I’d like it if you could upvote my post on adding the Sculk Sensor to Bedrock before 1.18, as that’s currently a Java exclusive.

    Edit: It’s currently pending approval, but I’ll send the link when it’s been approved.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    LIKE CRAWLING i hate mojang for not doing anything to implement this into our version, there can be a lot of more possibilities PLZ MOJANG MAKE BOTH VERSIONS SAME 😭😭

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    Big ups to this. Bedrock is so neglected and its infuriating. Why can't i hold anything in my off hand. Why can't i create a flying machine for sugar cane farms. Why do pistons not carry a redstone charge to the piston next to it. Why doesn't moss break with a piston on bedrock. Why can't i build on the nether ceiling and have portals up there. Why doesn't tinted glass carry a redstone signal through it like it does on Java. Stop neglecting us please. Some of the features are really nothing major and won't cause any problems for older devices.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Righrt now,Minecraft Bedrock for Windows 10 has been broken for 4 WHOLE DAYS NOW!  Mojang isn't listening to us, and it's making me regret ever buying the Bedrock Edition in the first place. If Mojang refuses to fix the problem,then I'll have to contact the Better Business Bureau to see if i can make Mojang give me my money back. Right now,I feel scammed by Mojang,and I'm sure others do  too. 


    Meanwhile Java keeps working flawlessly and is the only edition Mojang cares about. 

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    hey, this board is for features that are in one edition that you really want to see in the other version. If you wanna vent, create a suggestion under the "websites" category and maybe they might add it.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Minecraft bedrock and java are literally the same game. just different versions and optimizations

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    you can actually play snapshots on consoles, but in a sort of weird way, you have to sign up for this Minecraft beta program on the console and then try them out there

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I agree with the statement that there are differences between the two but both games have "exclusives" in them. Bedrock is also set up in a different way compared to Java because of the difference in controls needed with PC, Xbox, and mobile. I don't believe Mojang is neglecting the bedrock version or the java edition. It has to do with how new features are implemented and how old features were. The way they are coded in can make it difficult to put certain features in either version. I honestly don't think Java is better or Bedrock is better, I stick with Java edition mainly for the fact that I have been playing it for years and there are noticeable changes in movement and how the game is played, but I would also love to see features like the off-hand be put into bedrock and moveable tile entities put into Java but it all comes down to the difference in coding languages at the end. 

    I have also seen some people say that they would like to see Java exclusive servers put into Bedrock but the problem there is that these servers are not run by Mojang, but by private companies. I know that Hypixel has stated a bedrock server might not come due to the immense amount of work need to change everything so the server minigames would work on Bedrock, and again that comes down to the coding of it all and the overall choice of those private companies and whether they see it as a gain or a lost cause in a business aspect. 

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    true.. bedrock is basicly. the money making version. (scamcraft) whats being abused is the parity such as snowlogging. pushable entitys and cauldrons 

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    People neglect bedrock because they paid more money and it was just worse. They really think its better because it is more expensive


  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Most people just pirate the game☠️

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I agree I have been playing bedrock for a year and switched to java recently and they really should add some of the java features to bedrock EXCEPT please, please DON'T change bedrock bridging java bridging absolutely sucks and they should change to bedrock's edition of bridging. . . anyway those are my thoughts. Thank you for reading! :)