In this DLC we see that the archillager was only evil because he was under a mindcontrol spell from the orb of dominance. Archie fights by your side to destroy the orb once and for all. These are the artifacts: Arch Staff: summons 3 illagers to fight by your side Redstone kit:summons a redstone golem to fight by your side Ends heart:shoots 4 beams in all directions that go 90*
Archie has all of them.
melee wepons:
Old arch blade:99%on power 100%on speed 100%on range
this cursed blade is so picky. It incinerates anyone it does not like.
Arch blade(unique old arch blade) targets catch on fire
you can also get every other item in the game.
the first level is called”castle of the orb”
the second level is called”the orberith”. In the end of the level you fight the orb monstorosity.
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