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Feedback site needs to fix moderation


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  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    To anyone who found this post here, I made one on r/minecraftsuggestions as well. It goes into slightly better detail than here so if you agree with this suggestion, please leave an upvote there too, it's greatly appreciated.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    right now, 4 out of 5 posts i’ve made got taken down. i strongly agree with you. moderation on this site needs to be fixed

    also, i have discovered that simply adding pictures is getting posts removed. and they are pictures that have nothing to do with breaking the rules.

    look, mojang is cool, but they need to see this. they have been ignoring everything going on with their moderation here.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I completely agree with this.

    Time and again I've struggled with my Posts getting rejected/removed, and little to (usually) no Communication as to why.

    At least on Reddit your post isn't completely erased from existence, and there's some semblance of an explanation why it was removed.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    It is a waste of time. You can spend a long time developing and formulating an idea, and then see it removed for no reason.


    Edit: Just to clarify my frustrations - the devs clearly listen to the community as seen in the development of the 1.20 snapshots. The problem is the way the feedback site works.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I followed the rules and guidelines, my suggestion didn't exist already, and it still got rejected. It was a collaboration idea, but still, collab ideas for other franchises exist on this site already, including mash-up pack ideas, which I've posted before as well. I had different ideas for stuff in the collab, but still, it was all under one main idea/suggestion for stuff that could be done for the collab, not a list of different ideas like the rules say not to do. It really feels like they sometimes reject ideas for no reason. This also happens with comments sometimes; you share your ideas or feedback on a post, and it gets removed for seemingly no reason. I don't understand it.

    So, I agree; moderation needs looking at, as do some other things on this site imo, like how we're all named "Registered User."

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    What do you mean?? The f--33dback s-te m-0d-r3ation is awes-me!!!! The m-ds d-n't ab-se p-w3r and t-0tally l-1sten to the f--33dback of the c-0mmunity!!!!!!! :D 🥳🥰

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Oh boy, can't wait until this gets taken down for being too similar too a comment from a completely different category! In all seriousness though, I've made 2 suggestions and both have been removed for seemingly no reason. They have our emails, its not that hard to send a message. It would also be nice if it wasn't just erased completely so you could do something like appeal it or repost it.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Spam posts continue to rule the feedback site, and even reporting the spam posts so many times still allows them to persist most of the time, even if each user reports each spam post once.