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Grappling Hook


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  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Minecraft is basically a medieval age kind of game on default so no 

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Minecraft is basically a medieval age kind of game on default so no 

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I like the ideait can be crafted with the chains from the nether updateand maybe the hook with iron and a rare item, maybe the tridentand it could be thrown with the crossbow. Idk if te warden has an item drop secured, but maybe it could be that.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Grappling hooks were first used by the Romans in 260 BC, They use rope not chains . I like the idea of firing it out of acrossbow

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    This would be great for more than just climbing mountains. You could use it when mining, or even in the End, to reach cheeky shulkers who teleport to the bottom of the structure.

    You should be able to throw them, similar to how a trident works, but you should have to manually break it like a minecart, so that you can leave it for another player or whatever. The rope should stay in the players hand until they drop it with q, at which point the rope would dangle until it ran out of length or hit the floor. The rope should be climbable like vines or ladders.

    The only problem I can see is that Minecraft's engine might not be able to support swinging. If it can't, then maybe the rope shouldn't stay in the player's hand, since that would encourage them to try to swing.

    I like the idea of shooting them out of a crossbow. They would travel further, but you would run the risk of it ending up somewhere difficult to reach.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I was thinking it would be more useful for getting around. Especially in the mountains.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    This Is definitely on my list of MUST-dos for Mojang, Although the way you put it is too bland, I'd like to quote this very comment for more attention on the Idea:

    "This would be great for more than just climbing mountains. You could use it when mining, or even in the End, to reach cheeky shulkers who teleport to the bottom of the structure.

    You should be able to throw them, similar to how a trident works, but you should have to manually break it like a minecart, so that you can leave it for another player or whatever. The rope should stay in the players hand until they drop it with q, at which point the rope would dangle until it ran out of length or hit the floor. The rope should be climbable like vines or ladders."

    I'd prefer if the Grapple hook was a Grapple Pick, one that can be used to sling towards a destination that's at max 20 blocks away, It could help with some sticky situations, Including If the warden began chasing you (Unless It could counter this in some way.) The grappling hook was originally used in naval warfare to catch ship rigging so that it could be boarded back in the roman ages, So I don't see how It would be too modern, especially if It were just a pickaxe attached to an extended lead.


  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I like the idea but it could be presented better. The best way I see this being used is for caves and the nether to be more traversable. It prevents players from just griefing these places and turning them into ugly superhighways

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    This is a very popular idea.

    I think the best way of introducing a grappling hook is with a Repel. An item crafted with a coil of string and a pickaxe. It works like a fishing rod when cast, and when reeled would slowly pull the player closer. When repelling off a surface you and can hold shift to stop your place mid-air. That's right, "Mission Impossible Building!!!!".

    Please realize this dream mojang!

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Add the grappling hook pls🥺🥺🥺

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Pls add a grappling hooks to prevent falling from walls like an ender pearl.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Grappling hooks should not break pls.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I’d like it to be enchanted with different pull strengths: Pull 1 could just keep you pulled up to the block you grappled
    Pull 2 could pull you over the block you grappled
    Pull 3 (found in the end) could launch you well over the block you grappled
    Could be a useful tool for traversing the end, nether, or more recently the vast caves in the over world. It’s an elytra launcher, and a fast new mode of transport without dealing with kinetic energy, and you’ll still need a water bucket for safety.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    It would be a grappling hook crafted with iron  (Possible recipes would be an iron pickaxe in the center top crafting slot with a stick in each slot below the pickaxe, or two sticks in the bottom center and middle center with three iron arranged around them to make the head.) and then loaded in a crossbow. Then you could shoot it and it would drain 1 string from your inventory per block flown. It could then embed in blocks until you reach it and right-click the hook to put it back in your inventory. 

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    if minecraft was medival where are the wagons it should be fine to add grappling hooks it fits minecraft

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I used to think this was a bad idea, but know with the trial chambers, I think it would be a really fun addition!