This category is for feedback regarding Minecraft Dungeons, an all-new action-adventure game, inspired by classic dungeon crawlers. To talk about dungeons IN the current game of Minecraft, please use the Structures category. Be sure to separate your ideas so people know what they're voting for. Bugs, support issues, gameplay questions, ideas that already have threads in progress, and things covered by the FAQ will be removed. Thanks, and enjoy Minecraft Dungeons!


artic update


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    you know creeping winter exists right....


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    Registered User commented
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    There could be penguins or maybe even a artic structure

  • 1
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    In Minecraft, arctic foxes should have unique behaviors compared to regular foxes. They should have the ability to turn water into ice by simply running or walking on it. Additionally, when they bite players or mobs, they can freeze them and deal extra damage to blazes. Players can make use of the arctic fox's speed and ice-making abilities by attaching a lead to it and then connecting the lead to a boat. As the fox pulls the boat, it leaves behind a trail of ice, enabling players to travel at incredible speeds on water. To direct the fox while on the boat, players need to hold a glow berry on a stick. However, this mode of transportation is exclusive to water and cannot be used on land.