The wind is a mainly visual condition. It can reach from 0 to 100%. and can go in any cardinal direction, It will make leaves and foliage move around a bit. When >50%, visually leaves will fall off them as a particle effect. Also, smoke will move towards the wind. The water texture will move towards the wind.
There is a new item named the wind vane which will point which direction the wind is going and when right clicked will tell you the wind percentage. It's craftable with iron.
At 100% wind, a storm will start. Lightning amounts increase. foliage will uproot, leaves will strip from trees, light blocks will be lifted and fighting the wind will make you move slower whilst going with it will make you go faster.
If you're in a desert or mesa biome above 75% wind, a sandstorm will start. There is a bunch of particles obstructing your view. Sand blocks might be picked up and will hurl at an extremely fast speed, dealing damage. If you're in a sandstorm, your armour will take a lot of damage. If it breaks, you will start taking damage instead. Also, blazes can spawn if someone has gone to the nether, and tumbleweeds can spawn, dealing damage but also giving wood. You will be moved in the direction of the wind, if you fight it you'll be slowed, if you go with it you'll be faster.
Wind can go from 0-75% normally, but during the rain, it will be increased by 10% and during a thunderstorm, it will be increased by 25%. Sandstorm biomes have a built-in 10% addition.
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