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Minecraft Bedrock Edition Universal Ban Changes


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  • 111
    Registered User commented
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    I completely agree! I think it is very unfair that I could get permanently banned from all public server without the chance getting unbanned, and it would carry over to not being able to play on private realms with friends? It just doesn’t make sense. The lack of an appeal process is very concerning

  • 83
    Registered User commented
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    The punishments are too harsh to players.

  • 72
    Registered User commented
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    I believe that the punishments are too harsh for players, if you get banned then you should only be banned from where you got banned from, not Minecraft as a whole and there should also be requests for unbans as players realize their mistakes and shouldn't be held accounted for something they've done years ago. There is also a bug with universal bans in which a lot of Playstation 4 players are getting banned for no apparent reason, including myself. Please Fix this and let us request and reason to have our accounts back because enforcing punishments this harsh with minimal offense is unfair.

  • 62
    Registered User commented
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    It’s way to harsh. I got banned for typing “YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED” in rage after dying as the murder in murder mystery. I got banned for THAT. typing in all caps is unnecessary to enforce this much.

  • 56
    Registered User commented
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    I am a person who got banned because I was swearing in my private realm chat with my friends. Now I can no longer do anything on minecraft but play alone. I think it is really dumb you get banned even if you are the owner of the realm you choose to swear on.

  • 48
    Registered User commented
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    I was Banned out of nowhere, I wasn't given a reason and they are saying its irreversible. I haven't even played Minecraft in weeks how could I get banned for now playing. We all payed for this app and getting banned with no warnings is ridiculous.  

  • 41
    Registered User commented
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    We should at least get a warning about getting banned because I didn't even know bans where a thing and I talked to some of the people off discord and they said that saying a little joke is criminal offense and also why ban us from the whole game when it should just be the server.Also why can’t we get like 7 day bans instead of perm bans.

  • 38
    Registered User commented
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    I got banned for literally no reason and I currently have no way to appeal the ban or recover anything related to it. I think it's ridiculous that I've been banned with no reasoning, no warning, not even potential for an appeal, or a notification telling me I've been banned until I try to log in and I receive the message telling me I've been banned. It's nonsense that this is viewed as okay by Microsoft and I deserve my account and realms back because I thought about anything I could've possibly done to get banned and there's literally no reason for me to have been banned. This is ridiculous and I sure hope Microsoft fixes what they did or else more people are going to suffer the same way I did and there's no need for this INTENTIONAL feature where players can only be banned permanently with no appeal exists it's ridiculous and needs to be fixed.

  • 37
    Registered User commented
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    this is complety unfair and stupid please fix this right now


  • 34
    Registered User commented
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    I honestly agree with this comment. I'm one of those people who have been banned for basically existing. I got bored of playing the game in early December, and haven't played since 12/21/20. I log into my Microsoft account, ban message. I really wish bans can be reverted and/or appealed for. I'm actually looking forward to playing this, but now Microsoft just made it way harder.

  • 29
    Registered User commented
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    I got no reason, I was just banned for logging on. I had just spent 100+ dollars of my own money getting minecraft for my friends for christmas, and I cant even play a private LAN? I have been playing minecraft since 2011 and have spent countless hours on this game. Please fix this.

  • 20
    Registered User commented
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    literally I was out whim my best fiend and my brother call me "bro why I have been banned" and I was like "are you kidding me ?" 


    Please I've been playing minecraft since i had 6 years old, please fix this update 


  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    This is stupid. We should at least get a warning or only get banned for a certain amount of time. This is so unfair to us. Please fix this now.

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    Still havent been told why i have been banned. K played with my friends on a realm everyday and now cannot. It is very unfair to be banned permanently snd not even given a reason why.


  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    This is needed, and honestly, the fact that it exists makes me a little bit scared: does my dedicated server have a backdoor in it? And there is also the issue of private servers: if I have a server, but then a Minecraft moderator uses their backdoor to log onto it even without me allowing it and thinks someone has broken the rules, then you are banned from all servers, including playing privately with your friend.

    This also brings the issue of security: if there is a backdoor in EVERY Bedrock Edition server and client, don't you think someone will try to use it?

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    The universal ban that microsoft calls "safer" isn't making people feel safe, a lot of people feel unsafe about this, why would i get banned from the whole game if what i did was accidentally misspelled something and it became a bad word? why should i be banned for "cheating" in a server where cheating are specifically allowed by the servers rules? This whole microsoft moderation team is making the individual server moderators/owners look like the leader of a kids group who is watched by their parents.

    If microsoft insist to make the universal ban a real thing, they should allow negotiation, they should allow appeals from support.

    An idea is to have the server owners/moderators specify which rules they want to opt in and opt out, for example in anarchy servers the owners may not want hate speech, but want to allow cheating etc.

    Another idea is to make the universal bans temporary bans, for example lets say you broke the rules once, you get banned for a week, you broke the rules again after you were unbanned up that to a month, and for some reason you didnt learn your lesson and decide to break another rule, up that to half a year, and so on

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Well I would say that I want the bans to be temporary or permanent depending on the level of atrocity of the players' behavior.
  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    I was never banned because I behaved well in minecraft online, but I do say that banning players for nothing is stupid.
    I think they should change permanent bans to temporary bans of at least 14 days, but permanent bans continue to exist, what's more, I think they should permanently ban players depending on the atrocity of their behavior ...
  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    or like me using hacked clints should not be bannable if the server allows you to

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    OH MY GOD YES. I got banned temporarily for hate speech when I usually never say anything in chat and it's never hateful. Now I have to play alone, like I used to

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    I am very concerned about this as well. I need very clear communication from the devs on the matter and for Mojang to address these concerns. Not all Minecraft players are children. There needs to be a way for private players to be safe from chat censorship and global banning when hosting multiplayer.

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    no. scrap it.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Ever since Microsoft purchased Mojang it has gone downhill as Microsoft has continued to remove power from the minecraft community and replace it with power in their own hands and systems highly flawed, which has led to the end of minecraft, Restore control to the community!!! Give us back our privacy and power!

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    Instead of client-side stuff like this, it should instead be maybe a standard of rules on every server. Servers have been able to manage the community for years - why can't they keep the responsibility? 

    Bans like this is too harsh. Remember, WE PAID FOR THE GAME. It's like buying a pizza but then you have been given it for 1 second and then taken away. Wouldn't that make you file a complaint against the shop? Wouldn't that make you demand a refund?

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    Isn’t it a breach of contract as when we buy game it doesn’t / did not say that you could get permanently banned from all multiplayer, but for 11 years servers have been moderated by the owners with great success and mojang has not done anything substantial to the Servers up until now with this update which no one wants.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    as a member of the java community we can police ourselves, we have done so for many years, each report NEEDS a defined reason, or this will end up being the worst decision to make and sales will fall like the walls of jericho 

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Just one bad thing you do, and you can get permanently banned. And it makes no sense, and is really unfair. It won’t let you access servers, worlds, realms, or marketplace content. Imagine you bought stuff from the marketplace and you don’t even get refunded! I feel bad for other people who just want to have a fun time.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    The fact that Microsoft/Mojang actually implemented this shows how out of touch they really are with their playerbase, morality, and reality.

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    Seeing many people comment on bans being very harsh. I basically think they shouldn’t be able to ban you from servers.

    It’s a function for which you paid. It’s your software and, if you host your own server, why wouldn't you be able to play?! I repeat, your own server on your own software.

    I mean, Hypixel could ban you from THEIR servers. Or maybe even Mojang from their Realms. As long as they don’t charge you, it’s theirs.

    But from YOUR software on YOUR own hardware?! No!

    Mojang/Minecraft is just the platform! Not the user! (player/server administrator)

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Server owners have been able to moderate their servers since the begingging we dont need microsoft to mess it up.