Minecraft announced Universal ban for Bedrock edition. Some people will be wrongfully banned for doing nothing. Here are some paramenters I hope Minecraft Bedrock edition would add.
1. Server and Realm owners can have an option to turn on/off moderation on their servers and realms.
2. Server and Realm owners cannot be banned from breaking guidelines on their servers and realms
3. Bans are appealable. Moderators can review bans and choose to unban. They can also see ban appeals and give chances.
4. Specify what breaks the rules or not. For example, does staff impersonation count as the the classic "My dad is the owner of Nintendo" joke?
5. You will get a notification if a Realm or Server is moderated or not.
6. The universal ban only applies to moderated servers. If I get banned from playing on public servers for breaking public server rules, that's reasonable. What's unreasonable is if I cannot play private LAN servers with my friends after getting banned from public servers.
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