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Launcher to switch between different versions


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    Registered User commented
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    Is this Bedrock Edition or Java Edition?

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    Registered User commented
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    We should be able to switch to different versions because some people have to be different versions to be on multiplayer server and I do to I have to be 1.18 - 1.17.1 so I can do pokemon on minecraft please and thank you. - rowdyboys14

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    Registered User commented
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    This is an issue everytime minecraft updates. We should be able to switch versions just like java edition. I get complaints about updates everytime they come out and it becomes a massive headache for running servers when we have to rely on 3rd party software which doesn't update the second a new protocol update is released, unless we rely on java edition with geyser, which if i'm correct Mojang frowns upon in the first place.