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Cave update feedback-Put atleast 4 or 2 non stackable items in bundles


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  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    The only changes I would want to bundles is having non-stackables use 16 points worth of the bundle's space.

    • Bundles' secondary use is gift bags. These change would allow you gift your friend a full set of armour/tools in a bundle 
    • Carrying equipment is easier because you've free up slots for goodies found during your treasure
    • You can theme bundles for an adventure. For example, an archery bundle that contains 1 bow, 1 crossbow and 32 arrows
  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I like this idea and there are things like the telescope that should be stackable in a bundle but for things such as armor, shouldn't be allowed so it won't be overpowered.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I think a maximum of 1 non-stackable item should be allowed in a bundle due to the fact that totems of undying and enchanted armour/tools are unstackable for a reason. Unstackables should be worth 32 items though so there would still be space for other items (this feature would be useless otherwise).

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Would really just like to see this feature include 64 stackable pearls, that might be considered OP though? I wish you could put more than 1 potion in a bundle though, maybe between 4 and 16 in a bundle? Although I think the Combat Snapshot 8 included stackable potions(up to 16)?

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    i always thought armor and tools were only unstackable because of their damage value.
    i for one would love to be able to put a spare set of armor or tools into a bundle.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Especially since we may need to carry around two sets of armor (one for hot environments and one for cold), a Bundle would make that much less of an issue if you can carry a full set of armor in a bundle.  I like the idea of non-stackable being able to be bundled but taking up 16 slots so you could have up to 4 items which is perfect for a set of armor.  Similarly tools should be able to be bundled.