When you are making your redstone suggestions, please note that Java and Bedrock will not have the exact same the same redstone systems - this would require redoing redstone system completely on one platform or the other. The two systems are functionally different and are going to stay that way. Please be sure to tag your suggestions with (Java) or (Bedrock).


Bundle Redstone interaction ideas (Java)


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    To expense or transport the entire bundle, Use a locking mechanic

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    Registered User commented
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    i absolutely think that bundles have the potential to revolutionize storage systems, imagine only needing to transport One item per stack of items to each chest! and each bundle could be recycled infinitely, really the only bottlenecks would be using hoppers to get the items out of the input chest and filtering the items you put in the bundles

    as much as i'm hopeful they'll add some redstone interaction in the update with bundles, i bet it's not gonna be quite as good as we'd like, but i am hopeful