I Like the way Minecraft looks, but i think it is time for a little upgrade. Minecraft already has some shadows and "smooth lighting", however they were implemented years ago and i think they are outdated. they are not as good because at the time, it was a limitation, and in the last 10 years computers and devices in general evolved really fast, and getting cheaper. so maybe making some changes to the lighting wouldn't be a problem, and for people who want to keep the old look of Minecraft, there should be an option to keep it. i'm not asking for RTX levels of lighting, but maybe something as basic as a block casting a shadow in the back and the floor would be nice without changing the feel of minecraft.
Here are some suggestions:
The sunset and sunrise could give a more orange tone of light than the regular sunlight, making them look more amazing
Mobs and blocks could cast a shadow in the opposite direction of the light source location, or at least in the opposite direction of the sun if it is too heavy to process.
Make stained glass change the color of the light in a basic way, just like with beacons, but because things like torches or glowstone are more dynamic, maybe don't mix the colors and just use the color of the top glass block.
Give torches and fire a warmer look, and sealanterns a more white aspect.
Add bloom for bigger lights like a 4x4 glowstone building
Make a torch or any light source light the area around you if it is in your hand (just like optifine)
Hope you like it
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