Hey everyone! I have an idea for a piece of late game content that I came up with the other day and wanted to share!
Essentially a hungry mimic is waiting for you in the lobby. You can help this mimic by feeding him swords, bows and armor, but he's a picky mimic and only wants to eat unique items.
Instead of salvaging the unique items you can feed it to the mimic. The mimic only wants to eat a unique item once. The goal is to collect every unique item in the game.
In the picture you can select on the left side a weapon type. As an example I selected the sword. I can see that there are two uniques of the sword (maybe there are more, but I found 2 so far). I already gave it the Hawkbrand but not the diamond sword. I select the diamond sword in my inventory and click on "Feed the Mimic" to give it to the mimic. On the top left you see a progression bar for the complete unique collection.
If you fill up the mimic with every unique item he will give you a reward. I believe a cool reward would be a pet mimic or a cool looking cape. If you complete the chest you can collect everything again to receive a large amount of emeralds.
I think this would be a good feature for the game. Share your thoughts!
(P.S. English is not my first language so apologies if there are any grammar mistakes)
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