Several configuration options are or have been available in other Minecraft servers that would be great QoL improvements for BDS admins. Following is a "short list" of some of these. file:
- force-gamemode - Players always join in default game mode (can only be changed by op)
- hardcore - (either as gamemode option or separate setting)
- max-build-height - Max y coordinate for player buildings
- max-tick-time - Max time (in ms) to wait for a single game tick before considering server crashed
- motd - "Message of the Day"
- pvp - Enable/disable PvP on server
- server-ip - Specify public IP of server
- max-(ip-)connections - Max # of connections allowed from a single client IP
- blacklist - IP/MAC addresses, users, etc. never allowed to connect to server
- publish-server - Make server publicly viewable in server listing
- server-region - Linked to publish-server, region in which the server is located
Feed to bedrock_server.exe to customize the BDS environment:
- -cp <path> - Path to configuration files independent of server executable path.
- -wp <path> - Path to world folders and files
- -lp <path> - Path to content, server, and (hopefully) chat logs
I'm sure there are other options that other BDS admins would like to see included, and some here have been posted as individual suggestions. This is just a quick list to consolidate some concrete examples.
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