If you want to propose a change to an existing structure (like villages), or add something brand new in a current dimension or biome, this is the place.


Update Dungeons


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  • 28
    Registered User commented
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    Dungeons have been around for 10 years and have not received any updates at all.other than loot table changes. Since they are this sad little room of cobble stone can you really call them dungeons? Maybe they can get updated along wit hthe cave update.

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    I agree. They got a huge wave of support when they updated the villages but now it makes some of the other older structures to look out of place and out of date. Revamping them would be a great housekeeping idea to make exploring even more fun.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    I would love to see an update to some if not most of the dungeons. Perhaps a mini-boss that gives a new rare item drop that will help you along the way to defeating the current bosses in Minecraft. Above all, I'd really like to see new, or updated, structures to dungeons. While I know it may not be a top priority right now, I think it'd be great to see at some point in the future. I've always loved the idea of dungeons getting harder and crazier the deeper you go.

    Maybe some sort of secret underground pillager hideout? I'd love to see a bit more interaction with and between the villagers and pillagers in minecraft. Maybe the pillagers holding a new special kind of villager captive and we need to save them? I think it'd be a fun little quest.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I think dungeons should be bigger and more decorated, maybe with crystals sticking out of the walls. Whenever I think of a dungeon, I think of a big, treasure-filled place just waiting to be explored, like the ones in Zelda. When I look at the dungeons in Minecraft, they're small, the loot in the chests could be better, and with all the new hostile mobs added to Minecraft, the monsters in the dungeons now seem kind of weak sauce. There should be secret rooms, more dangerous mobs, better treasure, etc. This might add to the exploring element of Minecraft since even the caves are almost the same as they were 10 years ago. Just a thought.

    Edit: I don't want to leave out that you guys are doing great adding new blocks and food and even some mobs. To me, however, new food, blocks, and even weapons alone don't really interest me if there's nothing new to explore, not just to collect or tame. Good job, though.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I think the dungeons should be made out of bedrock so you can't just dig to where the loot chest is.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    The overworld dungeons in minecraft are really outdated and need a new design, this would also give a good reason to add new traps, for example, bear traps, land mines, spikes.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    They should have multiple randomly generated rooms so that each dungeon feels different and a challenge. Perhaps we could get a new block, item, or special ore from these dungeons to make them feel more worthwhile. The spawner needs to be harder to beat than a few torches. Also, each dungeon should look different and have a different mob depending on the biome. So, a sandy, half buried dungeon for husks, a stone stronghold for zombies, and a sprawling nest of spiders. I feel it would add a whole lot to the game.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I agree.  A dungeon should be more than a square room with a mob spawner.  The only real dungeon seems to be the one with the end portal.  We need desert pyramid type dungeons, crypty swamp dungeons, mountain carved dungeons.  I know we got mineshafts, but it's definitely not the same.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    A function of the /locate command to find them would also be good.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Integrating updated dungeons into the Caves and Cliffs update would be marvelous. I would love it if you were rewarded with braking spawners with something more valuable than XP because as it currently stand there is no reason to brake one. I would also like more of a challenge with dungeons because a cobble stone spawner room is not exactly what I picture when I hear the word "dungeon". Having larger rooms that exploit the mobs strength would be a perfect addition. For example, what if skeleton spawners spawned skeletons behind tough barriers so they were safe while they shoot you. Spiders could spawn above the player in a cobweb covered room hindering the player but not the spiders. Anyway these are just my suggestions on how dungeons could be approved. 

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Yeah, for sure! I was thinking something of a multi room thing, just like a classic 'dungeon dive.' I mean, a single square is kind of disappointing and very easy. A single torch is enough and you win! Definitely harder dungeons are needed! I would also love if there was actually a 'dungeon boss.' That would be awesome!

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Looking at the new caves, they're going to look even worse very soon. A better look for them would be great. There's been so many new blocks added that they can incude.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I think adding some dungeons like the ones in Minecraft Earth would help a lot. They’re varied, interesting, and cool to look at, all without being too complicated like the current dungeons. Slap a spawner in them and some unique loot and people will always be excited to find them.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Plus, with the new grimstone dungeons looks awfull

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    no, because there is already minecraft dungon

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Dynamic Dungeons.

    Dungeons would be more interesting if;

    I - The dungeon was created as we advanced in it, unlike forts and abandoned mines (static structures). That is, a dungeon would be divided into parts, in which the next part will only be created when a condition of the previous part is satisfied.

    II - The structure would be created from a pedestal. A sacrifice is offered to this pedestal (monster heads, choice in archeology pits, for example) and part 1 of the dungeon is created with another pedestal at its end.

    III - Were found anywhere, but mainly underground.

    IV - There were many different types: creatures, traps, lava pits, parkour and what you can imagine.

    V - The composition of the structure of dungeons will depend on the biome to which they were found. For example: sandstone blocks, stone and its variants in desert biomes; prismarine bricks and their variants in ocean biomes; Nether bricks and their variants in nether biomes.

    VI - added added new animations such as lying down and climbing on horizontal and vertical terrain.

    VII - New exclusive mobs from these dungeons, mainly from the game "minecraft Dungeons". Being exclusive modified mobs, no descents.

    VIII - If there were several rewards, including the restoration totem: The player's inventory is restored when spawning after a kill.

    NOTE: make the spiders rotate; their base must be parallel to the surface on which they are supported.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    When you said dungeons I thought you were talking about the actual dungeon structure but apparently not so no yeah this is redundant.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Maybe one way to update dungeons is adding different kinds of the same dungeon. Imagine the classic dungeon, for example. It's a very simple room, but that's not bad. You could make a doorway into this dungeon that fits the mossy cobblestone texture from the walls, so you can find it easily while mining, then having that doorway lead to the main room. The main room could be a battle room, with a mob spawner, a puzzle, a trap, a parkour room, anything, and when the player succesfully completes the room, they gain access to the loot chest.

    Strongolds, mineshafts and Nether fortresses are pretty fine as they are, as well as temples. Maybe adding a room or two if possible or adding another temple somewhere could spice them up a bit, but I'm fine with how they are now. The small dungeons are the ones I think that need a bit of a twist.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Hey I agree we need new dungens to loot because all. U get from normal dungeons that’s valuable is a grapple and a music disc need more loot more dangers like mummy’s and high level zombies

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Good, recently i was exploring a dark forest and then went to the nether, i found the mansion and nether fortress almost at the spawn, and yet, compared with new structures like villages and bastions they seem pretty old

    Specially with the dark forest mansion, even if it was realeased in 1.11 just 3 versions away from 1.14 they didnt updated like villages,some rooms were pretty much just a cube with little of decoration and the lack of normal pillagers were obvius they could add a few rooms like a yard for devastators and other stuff, and also adding the thing of "mage pillagers" (the ones who drop the totem) respawn

    Do i need to even mention the "beds" made with blue and pink whool?

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    They should have traps and hallways.