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Giant Sequoia Trees


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  • 4
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    Maybe sequoia trees could be all the way from 5 x 5 to 3 x 3 considering how large they are IRL. Great Idea!

  • 3
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    I like the idea of 2x2-5x5 range, maybe give you actually red wood, a nice way to make barns and such. With increased width on the trees, maybe even a new type of tree village, but i imagine that type of generation would be a coding nightmare

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    and coast redwoods with them!

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    You should make coastal redwoods to

  • 4
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    They can be up to 11 blocks wide and 83 blocks tall in real life; that's the size of General Sherman.

    Coastal redwoods have been rejected :( But they haven't suggested Sequoias, so this could still be added (Hopefully?)

    Here is how I would have them work: They are made of sequoia wood, and it takes a long time to mine, even with a netherite axe. (This is based on real life) The wood does not burn. The cones can fall naturally, and only turn into saplings when set on fire. They grow slowly, like real life, gradually taking longer before growing again. They will grow to a 1 x 1 tree in 3 daynight cycles, then 2 x 2 in an additional 5, 3 x 3 in 7, 4 x 4 in 9, 5 x 5 in 11, 6 x 6 in 13, 7 x 7 in 15, 8 x 8 in 17, 9 x 9 in 19, 10 x 10 in 21, 11 x 11 in 23, and then they will not grow anymore, meaning a full-sized tree takes 143 days to become that way. They will also increase height. Giant sequoias do not have vines dangling down. You can decide where a sequoia will grow by adding more saplings, in up to an 11 x 11 space, and when they grow they will turn to full size immediately. However, getting cones is risky. If you mine a sequoia wood, it has a chance to get you nothing, and you will get the achievement "greedy logger", as sequoias should not be chopped down. Sequoia groves spawn as a taiga or snowy taiga variant, with spruce and sequoia trees. You can bonemeal saplings, but not cones, and you cannot bonemeal full trees. If you blow up a sequoia with TNT, it will drop nothing.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Realistically the Sequoia trees should be wider- between 5-13 blocks in diameter. They also should be up to 100 blocks tall. The cones (or saplings) should also take a very long time to grow, or not be able to be grown at all. In addition, why not add Coast Redwoods? These trees would be thinner in diameter (3-7 blocks) but extremely tall (to 130 blocks). Both Redwoods and Sequoias should have new wood and leaves.

  • 4
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    QuickbeamtheEnt 13 meters is about the absolute biggest a sequoia can get. Also, coastal redwoods were rejected. :(

    Nice build, though!

  • 2
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    (Also, it should be really inefficient to mine them, since sequoia logging is horrible and shouldn't happen)

  • 1
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    I did the math, and giant sequoias are more than THREE TIMES the height of a giant jungle tree. In fact, I recently got to see the biggest sitka spruce in the world, and it was at least 4 meters in diameter. Giant Sequoias can be up to around 12. Image a 100 block tall, 12 block wide tree! The possibilities are endless!

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    If sequoia wood was annoying to mine on purpose, then maybe the way to do that would be making them split into sticks half the time they are mined as sequoia wood splinters when cut down. If blown up, this chance would be increased, since that happened when loggers blew up sequoia bases with dynamite.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    YES , definitely. I’ve been to sequoia national park, and the giant sequoias are awesome!! Maybe the sniffer could search for sequoia pines. Anyways, I love the idea!!!!!!!!!

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    They could be rarely spawning in desserts

  • 1
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    But I think that if these are added they would look to out of place if they have realistic measurements, so other tree should be made bigger too, because they are pretty small.