This category is for Realms and dedicated server feedback. Please send support issues to, as support posts, bugs, and individual server issues will be removed. Remember that when it comes to "adding more servers" or realm restrictions we are constrained by the rules of the various platforms Minecraft is available on. Thanks!


Admins in Bedrock Realms


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    Registered User commented
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    The only way around that is wait for host to get online and join his game not realm. Join under realms list where it says joinable friends and if host knows/trusts you they can make u an op that can change difficulty and other stuff. I was able to confuse my brother when I changed it to peaceful then hard and make slimes disappear.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Yes, this should be a feature. It is annoying because my friend can't get on most days and I have a blaze rod farm that often gets clogged. I am really surprised Mojang hasn't added this as a feature yet.