How can we improve the existing moving creatures of Minecraft? Show us your coolest fantasy creatures. We are very interested in ideas that are unique and not just lists of mobs - spamming lists of animal names is spam and violates our posting guidelines. Be sure to check the Previously Considered Suggestion page (no sharks, MINECON Vote rejected monsters) before you post!


Dogs retrieving items


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  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I was just about to post this one!

    Been brewing in my head for a long time. 

    My idea was that you can point to a block that will be the origin. The dog would sit there until items appear on the ground (that can be retrieved via path finding) in an area, maybe a 16-32 radius sphere. After detecting an item the dog would go fetch it and place it on the designated block.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I think that is a really cool idea! I thought that maybe when they kill something they should take it to you
  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I was thinking of a similar idea as well. I feel like it would be kind of neat if dogs could play fetch with bones. The way it would work is the player would toss the bone by right clicking (just as you would to throw an egg); this way the dog knows that your tossing the bone to play fetch rather than throwing it away. If you press q to drop the bone, the dog will not go after it. Also, if the dog has a hard time trying to bring it back to you, then the dog will teleport to you with the bone in it's mouth.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    This would be very useful, and a good way to improve wolves in general. Besides, foxes can hold items in their mouths, so why not wolves?