What is parity? This category is designed just for features that exist but work one way on one platform, and another way on a different platform. Bugs are not parity! Items in snapshots and betas are subject to change so please be sure to only post about things that are currently released in Minecraft. Please read the intro post before you post!


[Java Parity] Glowing and Spectral Arrows


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  • 28
    Registered User commented
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    I really want to see the glowing effect in Bedrock too, not just in the Java Edition

  • 47
    Registered User commented
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    An added note: this seems especially relevant considering that in recent snapshots, bells now apply the Glowing effect to nearby pillagers.

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    I want to see the spectral arrows too

  • 37
    Registered User commented
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    I would really like to see this added in Bedrock, especially with the new Illager raids. Ringing the bell gives Java players the ability to see all the remaining Pillagers so they can kill them easier. But in Bedrock it can be a little difficult finding the remaining ones without the glowing effect.

  • 26
    Registered User commented
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    You guys don't get those items and effects?! *immediately clicks vote button*

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    On my private server, we are all friends and we do not have "PVP" unless I say something smart and my wife swats me. In Java, I have a permanent "set all players glowing" effect. Bedrock? No can do! Please get Java parity on effects.

  • 26
    Registered User commented
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    Sadly this feature is currently impossible with the bedrock engine. The reason is that the way it renders the world. The problem is whatever you are not looking at (whether it is behind you or a block) is not rendered. The entire point of the Glow effect is that you can see things behind blocks. If it is not rendered then it cannot make the Glow effect. (This was made so lower-end phones could run the game)


    Hopefully, the new engine (The Render Dragon) renders blocks and entities even if you are not looking at them so we can have Spectral Arrows and the Glow effect.

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    Please add glowing effect on bedrock!!!

  • 20
    Registered User commented
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    Yes, now that spectral arrows generate naturally in Bastion Remnants, Bedrock should get the same loot tables with spectral arrows as well. Spectral arrows also seem to be very common in Bastion chests on Java as well, so it would be much different without them.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    Yes, I would love this idea. Right now, Java (only) can find spectral arrows in bastions and us bedrock players can't.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Bedrock edition needs this parity, glowing effect was awesome and in the latest java snapshot, they include it in piglin bartering items.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Please bring these to all versions of the game. I think spectral arrows are so cool.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    just saying, in the bedrock edition flattening, they are going to add it so yeah, it's announced

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    I often struggle to find the remaining pillagers during raids (they find their way into caves or inside ponds). The glowing effect given by ringing the bells is much needed so that those raids can finish.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    With the addition of Glowing effects, we can finally see some Raid parity also.
    The only reason why Raids in Bedrock is different from Java because of the absence of glowing effect

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Me and the uchiha boy voted for this post

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I agree. I think it would make for a nice feature.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    they could bring them using the glow ink sacs from the glow squid

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I would love to have this - especially in the new cave update coming soon. 

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    This will be convenient especially on hunting remaining illagers in a raid

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    This is one of those bigger parity issue I would love to see bedrock have

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    this would be good

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Why have they not considered this yet! As a bedrock player myself, I have wanted to get these arrows in my game for all the time I’ve played! This is a amazing idea and I think it should be added to bedrock for sure.

    Edit: I just read the post about why they were not added to bedrock, (because the game does not render behind blocks, and the point of the effect is to see behind them) but I hope there might be some way to get around this :(

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    seria muy util

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    There must be a solution. I hate to say but there must be a separation between phones and next Gen consoles! 

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Minecraft you could add this as with your "COMBAT UPDATE"