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option to turn off content filtering / word censor in Realms and Bedrock


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  • 39
    Registered User commented
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    I find on Minecraft Bedrock for android, the censor is just plain not helpful. If I post an innocent word that gets censored, it only shows it as censored to the other players not myself, so I don't even know WHAT it was that I typed that got censored. If Mojang wants to allow censored versus uncensored chat, make it so that hosts can restrict play to players of a certain age (similar to how twitch does things perhaps?) then restrict access to the host, realm, BDS world based on the age specified in the users' xbox account settings.

    Sure, users can lie when they create their accounts, but for most parents, this should work fine and allow adults to not be treated like children on 18+ game world servers and realms.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Cursing is a cardinal sin.

  • 65
    Registered User commented
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    Agreed. As a fully grown adult playing Minecraft, I should be able to create signs saying whatever I want and name my worlds whatever I want.

  • 43
    Registered User commented
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    I should be able to use cuss words in my single-player world without them being censored the same for multiplayer i make sure that everyone's over the ages 18

  • 42
    Registered User commented
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    Being condescended to as an adult is ridiculous, even more so in a singleplayer world. The game is already connected to your Xbox account, if being PG5 is such a problem just tie it to parental control.

  • 16
    Registered User commented
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    I wish we could select words to censor ourselves or the opposite (so selecting words/phrases to un-censor)

  • 39
    Registered User commented
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    The fact of the matter is that, as we see in the news these days, these companies are taking it upon themselves to dictate morals and speech down to the users. Microsoft and Mojang have no place dictating down to us what is acceptable speech. This needs to be dealt with much more seriously than it currently is. This is a farther reaching issue than just this game. I believe the term is "product intervention".

  • 30
    Registered User commented
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    This filter is so over the top and dumb.  I am trying to build a memorial and need to put a 4 different names on wood signs and 3 names are censored....  Aparently James Allred is now ##### Allred and similar for the other 3 it has #### for the letters or just plain deletes it all.


    I made the White House in one Realm  Tried to put 1600 Pennsylvania Ave Washington DC and apparently thats profanity also cause couldnt do it

    so yeah give us a way to shut off or do something please

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    I would want this to be an option too. My friends and I have discovered that the word that wasn't really a curse was censored and it sorta got in the way of our naming scheme for the area we made. We are all adults and have no plans with playing with kids so hopefully this becomes an option.

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    There is no point in censoring words while on single player. It makes sense online since there's a lot of kids but not when you're alone in your world. Who the f*** is going to see that or care?!

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Not sure as for Realms, but this should be a feature for dedicated servers!

  • 27
    Registered User commented
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    I wholeheartedly agree with this.

    Minecraft is a game kids play, not a kids game.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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  • 20
    Registered User commented
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    I agree not having the option is ridiculous.

    especially if my nickname DX3M, is considered a curseword

    Matthness another alias is as well

    words like torturechamber, as i'm having a medieval build is apparently also cursing.. or inappropiate...

    it's very silly...

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    I agree, its not that much of an inconvenience now since I usually only use voice chat, but before I got a headset I relied heavily on the chat and signs. Both would censor out my name, making it difficult to claim my own territory while playing with my friends. Either way, some people prefer to use swear words or talk about something using swear words and the filter is just annoying. I hope they add an option to turn it off.

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    Hello, Thank you for taking the time to read this. Ive been a minecraft user for about 10 years now. I love all the new content that the mojang team has been working on and putting out! My ONE complain is the restrictions made by the content filtering. I understand making the game more safe for kids, but at the same time, im not a kid, i Pay for my own realm, and all my friends who play with me are over 20, i feel like there should be a setting i can switch on my realm to allow profanity. And im not like "hey i wanna cuss cuss cuss". Its literally ruined a 30hr build i created.  ( back Before the content filtering was added i Created a Cards Against Humanity game in my world, i spent alot of time creating the cards in the Books and creating a system of card shufflers. It came out awesome.... But now its useless because half the cards are xxxxxxx out. Please Please consider adding in profanity filter settings cause not everyone who enjoys your game is 12years old. Thanks!

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    I whole-heartedly agree with this. A group of friends and I have been building a city for years now and the stupid censor blots out or deletes every road sign, random other things I try to type, “No Drugs, Alcohol or Tobacco” signs, “No Smoking” signs, aircraft names at our Air Museum, such as the Convair B-58 Hustler (because I guess hustler is just awful) and more. I hate this and just want to be able to turn it off. Most of the stuff it censors is completely unwarranted and I don’t see the issue. What’s the difference in a kid reading something on a sign and the same kid going and turning on the tv and watching a movie that’s rated for adults? Controlling language restrictions like these are terrible and only serve to annoy or anger people who are just trying to build a world that isn’t just a bunch of sunshine and rainbows.

  • 17
    Registered User commented
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    there shouldn't be a chat filter at all

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Currently making a fantasy-world with a made-up Pantheon on realm for the past 3 years. I have had zero issues up until a week ago when the game started censoring things like Lt. but not Lieutenant, random people-names and now even some of my pantheon names - all my old signs remain uncensored, but any new ones I put up gets whited out. This is beyond ridiculous.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    If a host or realms owner chooses to turn it off, a warning should be displayed to anyone joining that they may see adult content. The censoring shouldn’t be forced, and should be optional, however enabled by default.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    The chat filter really isn't good for young kids. Try explaining to a 5 year old why their "cum with me" messaged turned into "*** with me". The only people who need this feature are J.W.s or some other group of prudes who cant handle the thoughts they get when they see a certain word.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    It's clientside, you can find the file with every censored words and modify it as you want :)

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Honestly the censor system is horrendous. I named a chicken “e” with a name tag and everything, no censor. I try to make a family tree of my chickens and “e” is censored. It’s just the letter e, I don’t understand why it is censored. There definitely needs to be an option to turn of the censor.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I understand that the filter is forced by console platforms such as Nintendo Switch and XBox. That's their choice and you Mojang can't do anything about that. I fully understand that.

    What I don't understand is that it affects every single platform, including iOS, Android, and Windows 10. It is even forced on a local world on iOS whose "Multiplayer Game" option is explicitly turned off. Literally no one but me can join the world, and my signs are still censored in such a silly way. There is no excuse for this. Console platforms have absolutely nothing to do with single-player worlds on a non-restrictive platform.

    I know you have disabled the hard-coded chat filter on featured servers and have decided to use a smart filter on them. It was surely a good move. But then you left Realms, single-player, local multiplayer, and non-featured servers in this dire situation. For years.

    Please, Mojang, please do something about this. This is plainly ridiculous. I have a proposal if it helps:

    1. Local worlds on non-restrictive platforms should be completely free from any sort of censorship, if their world setting "Multiplayer Game" is disabled.
    2. Local worlds on non-restrictive platforms whose "Multiplayer Game" is enabled should have an option to enable the chat filter. If the filter is disabled, players on restrictive platforms (like Switch) should not be able to join those worlds.
    3. Realms and dedicated servers should have the same option and the restriction.
  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    The censor could be enabled by default but can be toggles of in the chat function much like the chat colour

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    As an adult, I should be able to say what I want and have it not be censored. They should allow those who want to see mature text have the option to. Just add a toggle in chat or video settings

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    This is dumb, they keep censoring numbers and stuff


  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    It's ridiculous, I'm on a realm and apparently "Jeremy" is a curse or not allowed, I am not even using any curse words, I find it ridiculous simple words or names aren't allowed. In my opinion this is worse than Roblox, please fix it.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    This REALLY bothers me. On Java I can say/do whatever i want but on bedrock I can't? even on a private, singleplayer world? to be honest it seems kind of against the core message and focus of the game: being able to do whatever you want.