How can we improve the existing moving creatures of Minecraft? Show us your coolest fantasy creatures. We are very interested in ideas that are unique and not just lists of mobs - spamming lists of animal names is spam and violates our posting guidelines. Be sure to check the Previously Considered Suggestion page (no sharks, MINECON Vote rejected monsters) before you post!


Pets should have better Following AI instead of Teleporting.


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  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I am in favor of this great idea, our pets should have a certain autonomy.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    @Nerfix99 Autonomy is definitely an aspect that is greatly appreciated in the community, despite their unawareness of it.
    Not only pets, but many current mobs could benefit from it.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I agree with this. I feel like an ai pathway should be there, and it should be smart too. Although teleporting is useful when you're flying. So, maybe instead of taking it away, the distance on how far you are from the dog is increased before teleportation.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I am also in favor of this idea. I'm tired of my pets de-spawning due to the chunk unloading because I am flying too fast (elytra and fireworks). I end up having to go back to figure out what chunk my pet was in before it was unloaded. Due to this, I end up always having to leave my pet at home because I just don't want to deal with it. 

    Pets should also have a better AI to avoid hazards such as lava, falling from large heights, and not drowning themselves.