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The Rusty Iron Golem


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    Registered User commented
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    (FYI, redwood forests have been moved to Previously Considered Feedback upon consultation with the team. ~nb)

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    Registered User commented
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    What do you do with the soul shards?

    Anyways I think it would be cooler if this was the Illagers' / Vindicators' version of Iron golem thats always hostile towards villagers and players

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    Registered User commented
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    Wouldnt like it in my world. Would love it as a mod/addon. Also what do the shards do? I would leave that part out, and he should spawn in an abandon village in a tall tree type forest. As though he was left behind and forgetten/ he failed to protect his village from an attack, and only he was left. That. Would be cool, get some code knowledge it mod it up! This is a great idea! The Forrest could also have its own rusty mineshaft that has bones/skulls and rusted minecarts and rails that break when touched, but may drop some rusty iron, with rusty iron, you could craft rust blocks that u can turn into rust golems if u want some, and u could craft rust with sand to get red sand. And rust + bricks could get u rust colored bricks. That would be cool. I support your idea as a mod!

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    Registered User commented
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    it would be better if it were an hostile mob thet lives on zombie villages (it would be nice if they did that zombie villages spawn more commonly)

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    Registered User commented
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    Also spawn when iron golems are in water?

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    Registered User commented
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    i hope this comes to the game