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Bring Back 3D


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  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    How would you control the player if the tablet or phone is stuck to your face with a VR-viewer?

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    Great ideas! I was searching to bring back 3D but all these options make 3D even cooler! I didn't have much time to use 3D and even if some people thought the color filters weren't perfect, I thought it was amazing! I don't have that much games that allow me to play in 3D except on 3ds. I really hope they will bring 3D back.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    I used it. Bought a pair of 3D glasses just for this game.................... then they removed it. And caused me to WASTE MY MONEY ON THESE GLASSES!!!! Thanks Mojang.... kind of uncool of you to remove that feature but there we go, its all about money, and screw anybody who wants to just enjoy the game, cuz that's not what its about is it? Fun and entertainment is not first priority in your minds is it? If you are not getting rich off it first. Why did you NEED to take it out anyways? I hate it when developers do this crap, its unprofessional to me and ends up upsetting some customers who liked features that are there, then are not... YoYo games did this with their GameMaker software removing features people still kind of had a use for... its just so unprofessional. My idea is if the feature is built-in already, just leave it alone, if its not broke don't fix it--geez..........

    Yes these ideas are very good ideas. Even Doom 3 BFG addition had the option for 3D but not 3D glasses (red and blue colors) which are the kind of glasses I own. As I stated, I bought then JUST for this game only, then you take it out, and waste my money. Now I got a pair of 3D red and blue glasses that I can do nothing with. Thanks for nothing. Its upsetting.What a disservice to the fans.

    Please return this feature and return customizing maps too... removing features is not cool. Ever!

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    Microsoft should really consider bringing back Anaglyph 3D, AND make an option to correct red/blue hues to match your glasses. This was one of the coolest features of Minecraft when it was still under Mojang's wings. I admit it was not used by many players, especially in the content creating community, but nonetheless it was used..  BRING 3D BACK MICROSOFT!!!!

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I totally agree with this. 

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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     to StarfleetCptn

    microsoft only owns mojang and mojang is developer of minecraft... the MOJANG did it NOT microsoft


    anyway... the correction of colors wasnt perfect but i did like it and that mojang is removing stuff from game is unfair and if there was bugs then they should keep them like that and fix them later

    i didnt find any shaders like this and i cant create them so someone should create some if mojang wont add them

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    Agreed. Removing a feature that has been a part of the game for nearly a decade is definitely not cool. Anaglyph glasses are dirt cheap and it's a quirky way for just about anyone to try out 3D. Bad form, Mojang.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    to Bilbo Baggins The idea is that you could still use your keyboard and mouse/trackpad like normal. 3D was a feature of Java Edition, but not console or pocket editions as far as I know.

    to Rijaja I agree. I would have loved it if they kept the option, but expanded the capabilities. Yes a smartphone screen isn't anything compared to a rift or vive, but they should have kept the option, with the abilities for the player to calibrate settings to their liking.

    to BondableSloth89 I agree. Red/Cyan, while giving a bit of a funky color to the image, still functioned appropriately so long as the camera was positioned right. The reason that 3d has always bugged people's eyes is because filmographers set the cameras up so that they will be seen with eyes of an average separation. That's my main reason I think it was not often used.

    to StarfleetCptn Yes, that is something I would love to see also. The ability to adjust the hues for each eye. That would help a bit with the "funky color" I mentioned.

    to Matejmraz I've had that issue also. No matter where I look I can't find any mods or shaders, for mac or pc, that return this feature. I'm just barely getting into coding myself, which means it's impractical for me to try to fix it myself.

    to Phonems Feature removal is the thing I hate the most about the modern era. In the past it was, improve things by adding features/functionality, whereas now people and companies have the bad habit of implementing "corporate friendly" changes.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Yes!!! Please bring back 3D mode. I personally use Anaglyph mode on xbox one and I miss it.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I would like if they added a Polarized 3D mode for those of us using those type of 3D glasses


  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    cardboard would work, players! use a controller! and switch VR would work too

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    So lame they removed this feature. I was just getting around to giving Minecraft another go, even picked up a new pair of clip-on anaglyphic lenses, just to learn that they binned it for no good reason that I can see.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Plz bring back 3d in 1.16 update !!!!!!!!

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I enjoyed the Anaglyph mode because it was useable on a beamer even - and viewable for friends and family when showing them around a virtual world.

    The color issue I fixed by adjusting the color offset in xorg.conf for the beamer... shows I never used it for anything other than Minecraft actually...

    I would find it even more awesome when the mobile client would be enabled to access Java servers, as my phone is actually stronger than my computer. And an option to  use Google Cardboard when using the mobile client would really be awesome, too, once the mobile client can connect to Java servers.


  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    They are OBLIGED to return the 3D anaglyph minecraft with it becomes very cool, and many bought 3D glasses for it.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I would looooove this!

    Used the red/blue-Anaglyph feature for some time until it was removed. Though it strained my eyes in a way that I was unable to use it for longer sessions that could be easily handled by adding the suggested settings for adjustment. I would love to have that feature back.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Also cross-eye 3D, Many people would have fun with that

  • 0
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    Add gyro

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