This category is for Realms and dedicated server feedback. Please send support issues to, as support posts, bugs, and individual server issues will be removed. Remember that when it comes to "adding more servers" or realm restrictions we are constrained by the rules of the various platforms Minecraft is available on. Thanks!


Unexpire Realms and Make them Free

under review


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  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Oh. Well im so sorry :( sorry sorry sorry

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I mean yeah but still i have a cool world called "stone town" and i want to share it with everyone

  • 38
    Registered User commented
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    I think that it would be good to have free realms for 2-3 players and having to pay for more players because making them completely free wouldn’t be in their best interest and would make this unlikely to happen.

  • 30
    Registered User commented
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    You do realize it costs money for them to host realms, right?

  • 23
    Registered User commented
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    we already get free updates to a game over 8 years old. what other game is gives us that?. if you want a free server set one up at home. 

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    how do you vote something down. wow, what a bad idea.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    would you like to put the next 5 years of your life into work to get nothing? 

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    The problem is, it costs money to keep the realms up, so they can't really do that.

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    The real reason why realms are not free is because they are servers ran by mojang. There basically server hosting.

    Do you really expect them to buy servers and then not try to get any profit off of it?

    It could also be abused by making as many realms as wanted which would not be good.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    Keep charging for realms but; add in a built in way to way to do L.A.N. survers for free. Bacicly, I'm asking for couch co-op, that works with mobile devices.P.s. because I'm asking this be free, the device runing the surver owner's account should host of the surver. The surver should be closed when the surver owner does not have their game runing.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    Trying to make a profit isn't greedy.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    This would likely put ads in the game!! Don't for the love of all things blocky and custom, please don't follow through with this..

    There is a reason that we pay, the hardware, network access, and software all costs money,and only one other way once it goes free...

    It's not much $3.99 for 3 users (including yourself) or $7.99 for 11 (including you).

    Buy a cheap dedicated host like Apex or pebblehost if you can't afford a realm and have 10-15 access your server for $1.00 up..

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    If you want to host your own server, you can do so using the official server software that Mojang have released (its Alpha server software)

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    its not gonna happen bud. that would just be free hosting

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Suggestions like this should be filtered out

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    while asking for bad ideas. let's get loot boxes and you have to get loot boxes to get access to the items in the game. sorry you haven't bought cobblestone yet. all the mined stone just disappears. 

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Did anyone read the post?

    It looks like this person just wants to download their world from their expired realms.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    #best idea


  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I agree with this, the reason Microsoft does the subscription model however is so realms no one plays don't take up space on their servers so maybe they should become inactive if they haven't been played for a few days meaning when you want to log into the realm it takes a little longer than usual while it boots up. This is how it can work

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    BEST IDEA! MAKING SERVERS ARE REALLY HARD still can't make one to this day!

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    PLEASE, i don't have any money and i just want a realm!

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    They can't just give you a free server, realms/servers cost money to keep online. Unless, perhaps, would you want ads on your minecraft realm?

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Don’t make them free, but make them not expire and 2 dollars 

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Free realms would be the best tho, seeing as some people like myself don't wanna pay for it after a 30 day trial. Please can this happen??!

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Nope just no that’s so stupid they have to make a profit and that’s not greedy. Beside it’s not their fault you don’t have money

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I agree


  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    What if they create an option for expired realms to download the world?


  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Okay so sorry again, in 2018 I was very dumb, and now I know better. I agree with all of your words. Mojang should keep it priced so they will run the Realms. But sadly I really want one, but I won't rage over the feedback forum and say that O want Realms to be free.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    this is a idea everyone would love, but its impossible. Imagine how much it costs to run a sever, then image all 100 million players getting a free 2 to 10 player sever, that is very expensive

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    you do know that runing servers cost money to do right?