This category is for Realms and dedicated server feedback. Please send support issues to, as support posts, bugs, and individual server issues will be removed. Remember that when it comes to "adding more servers" or realm restrictions we are constrained by the rules of the various platforms Minecraft is available on. Thanks!


Add ability to hide "featured" servers from list and expired realms

under review


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  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    Agreed, I'd much prefer to have my custom servers first and foremost when I go to play.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    I also dont want them because my kids go to them and theres no command to disable chat

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    I would also like to see an option to hide these/remove the tab in Minecraft PE (maybe they should be hidden by default due to age being rated 6 and up?!).
    Whilst the server moderators are doing a good job and Xbox live privacy settings block the featured servers, my friends children were able to get around these restrictions by not being signed into Xbox and manually adding a server!

    All featured/manual servers should be restricted and hidden at the start, we need the ability to delete them completely and maybe have further age/mobile text verification for safeguarding young children. (Yes I know this might annoy some of the older players, but we need to protect the youngest players first.)

    For instance, I want to be able to set up a restricted Xbox Live account for my kids and their cousins to be able to play together over Live (because they aren't always together in one house, with their devices to play over LAN).

    However, it seems they can't play over Live without being given full open access to online; which includes the servers. The option to play xbox multiplayer is either allow or block and no option for just friends (Microsoft probably need to handle this one too).
    Although when it is set to block they can see each other online on Minecraft, press invite, but they can't actually join each other's worlds as it specifies they can't play online in a message.

    On the other hand if the servers were hidden they would be able to play online by inviting their approved friends (thanks to Xbox having an option for parents to authorise friend requests) to play in their created worlds, whilst also blocking Realms and in app purchasing.

    Keeping Minecraft friends and family connected, wherever they are, just as if they were playing on LAN together.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I just need help fixing my privacy issues

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Really feels like it's necessary, just kind of pointless to have them in the way, if you aren't going to play on them.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    You can cancel expired realms and it doesn't appear

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    Really important feature. We have a server set up for a small group of 8 years olds to play on. They need to be able to access that server. But not be able to access any other server that pops up in the dialogue. Please prioritise this.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I would love to be able to limit the kids to my own server or a know server of my choice!

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Yes, this. Completely irrelevant for me. Or at least put them down the bottom (under any custom servers that have been added).

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    My ping to these are anywhere between 1200 and 8000. They are quite useless for these to be displayed to me, having my bookmarks is more important, and it sucks that these get in the way of that

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Son unos capos

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    It is INSANE that we can not get rid of featured servers.  My seven year old saw an Easter egg one and got excited and clicked without my knowledge.  And then he had strangers trying to chat with him.  Its an egregious feature to have on a game widely played by children.  It totally goes against all common thinking on safety features for kids.  And it seems like its annoying for many other reasons to other people.  And please do not tell me to sit next to my kids every second that they are on a tablet.  I do my best to supervise but no parent can be there every second.  Anyone who would recommend this is not a parent who needs to work or do any other thing while their kids are on a tablet.  Its the entire reason my kids even HAVE tablets!  SO PLEASE - get rid of this!!!

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I would be purchasing a realms plus account if it wasn't for this. To prevent my kids from getting into these servers (which I don't want them in). They aren't logged in. Yet, I would be more than willing to spend money and get a plus account if these could be hidden or blocked.

    I only want servers I have approved to show up.

    Honestly I'm pretty sure I'm not the only parent with this position and Minecraft is losing money over it.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I am a parent in the same boat as everyone else here. I DO NOT want my kids being able to log on to any Minecraft server except the one I run on my home LAN. It's completely ridiculous that the only way I can let them play together on our home Minecraft server is to open the door to let them play on ANY server. Especially when the app insists on bombarding them with what are essentially advertisements for half a dozen public servers. Ideally, they wouldn't even be able to see the "featured" servers in the app, much less connect to such servers. My kids are both under 10 years old. They have absolutely no business interacting with random strangers on the Internet.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    There doesn't seem to be any way to allow my kids to play on our home LAN server without them seeing these flashing Featured Servers every time. If there's no way to restrict access to friends- and LAN-only, please at least allow us to hide these things.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Completely agree with this, especially as Minecraft 1.6 has now been pushed to the Switch with this enabled.

    I've blocked the featured servers at my firewall, but doesn't stop the arguments/issues around wanting to play them.


    The Switch was bought as a very child friendly platform. This has undone that trust.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I'd like to chime in and say that I too would like to have some control over these "featured" servers. I don't care if they're featured -- my kids and I have zero interest in playing them and I think it's crazy that we have to scroll all the way down to get to our private server listing. Sure, it's only six servers at the time of this writing, but what happens when Mojang features many more partners? Please give us some control here!

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I have an 8-years old son who is not ready and not allowed to play servers. However, servers show up in the 'featured servers' section un Servers tab and we have a hard time enforcing that. Featured servers can't be removed. Unfortunately, we will need to ban him from playing Minecraft if such a feature is not introduced. 

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    We paid for the game. We deserve not to see the ads you keep in the game. That's simple as this.

    Or you are calling for troubles.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    180 votes, 2 yrs old, still not a feature. 

    Mojang is by far one of the worst companies I've ever seen for support. 

    Child protection should be a number 1 priority for something like this. I cannot believe after 2 years this still has not been taken care of. How hard is it to make a few UI changes and add a couple of menu options for the sake of protecting young children??

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    This needs to be an option to aid in providing a safe environment for young children to play your games. 

    I offered to setup a Minecraft Bedrock server for my friends and my family's kids to play on and many parents refused to partake as I could not ensure that my server was the only server they had access to. 

    If supermarkets can offer lolly free check out registers to assist in reducing temptation to young impressionable kids, then Mojang should be able to do the same. 

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    It's insane that the only privacy option is "You can join multiplayer games": allow or disallow. It's a freaking hassle, but I really recommend people set up families on Live/Xbox and create child accounts for additional privacy options. It's not great, but you can at least turn off communication.

    Like I want my kids to be able to play on their iPads on my local server, but I really don't want them to have any random server accessible as well.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    These comments are ridiculous. You can disable chat and most servers have a chat filter. "Oh, I want my kids to chat over my LAN server with chat." There in the same house, mouths are a thing. 

    Hide... Expired Realms

    You can just cancel them. Simple.

    Now have a great day/night!

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Its so simple, just allow people to delete the "featured" servers, but it's obviously an income source for Microsoft, much like how I can't uninstall social media apps on my "smart" tv.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Here’s another vote for hiding featured servers. I bought a realm subscription to have a safe place to play online with my seven-year-old nephew. The way realms are marketed, they sound like the perfect, secure, child-friendly option to servers. Imagine my surprise when I found out that realms and servers are behind the same security settings. He’s simply not yet old enough to play on servers. But turning the server related options off in his profile will also disable realms. This would be such an easy fix to a problem that must be losing Microsoft money in potential realm subscriptions.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Yes please, this should be removed. Having live servers constantly advertised to young children (part of the Minecraft target audience) is a Bad Thing. Not to mention annoying because they have to be scrolled past *every time* to get to your own servers.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Maybe microsoft never respect their customers as they announced. Maybe only  the US federal court can taught them how to get along well with their user.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Can we please get this as minecraft is used as an educational tool amongst other things the fact you cant have a private server and allow children to join your personal server were you can guarantee there safety and disallow access to other public lobbys of thousands of xbox players (not the nicest bunch on the best of days) is ridiculous. you already have to go to out side developers to even PARTIALY disable the constant child targeted advertising. every time it starts it feel like walking a kid onto a casino floor. good to see were microsofts priority's at

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Absolutely - I don't come on Minecraft to play on those things, and having to scroll through them to the servers I DO play on is an irritation every time.