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Scorpion mob

under review


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  • 27
    Registered User commented
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    Well, then tell us what their behavior would be like, what they would drop, and any other special features they would have. Try to focus on integrating your idea into the game as a whole, rather than suggesting it as a cute but useless add-on.

  • 18
    Registered User commented
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    They should drop a scorpion egg that you would then be able to hatch with a light 1 to 2 blocks away from them, when hatching it would shake and make cracking noises, when the baby scorpian has hatched you have atomatically tamed it, you can make it lay down, are have it follow you and attack hostile mobs, or anything you attack. Over a span of 2 to 4 Minecraft days it will become an adult which would be as big as the player, it would still be tamed. If you had another adult scorpian that is tamed you can breed them and a egg will appear on the back of one of the scorpians which you could pick up and do the same proses as hatching a scorpian from a wild scorpians egg.


  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    They could also drop poison which you can add to your sword or arrows, would also have a chance of dropping 1 to 3 scales which you can make really good armor with that would have thorns.


  • 31
    Registered User commented
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    Make the scorpion the spider's desert-counterpart just like the husk is to the zombie. I think it would be interesting to find a lot of them crouded around desert temples too.

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    Their main predator must be meerkat if added, meerkat capable of hunting them without being stung

  • 18
    Registered User commented
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    1. scorpions can be neutral mobs at day time and hostile at night time, they could give you poison, spawn in desserts and mesa biomes, and they could act like spiders.
  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    As someone who has been playing in the beta builds of Minecraft- Minecraft creators themselves not too long ago released a “Demostration” of new mobs for Minecraft during the Minecon 2018 event.

    One of these demo mobs actually included Scorpions.. which further proves they need to be in the game.

    Scorpions should be small.. (maybe make a potion where you can mutate it to be large and rideable) but Small as natural desert mobs

    The deserts of Minecraft are empty and boring, and adding scorpions would add a little more life to that area of the game.

    They will always be hostile.. but easy to kill, and if they sting you it inflicts poison damage over time. Killing scorpions will drop their stingers as well a small eatable form of meat and a new crafting ingredient (outside of the tail) Scorpion Corpse.. (or Chitin if you prefer using the ARK Survival Evolved word for it)

    The Corpse can be used in bad witch like potions, or it can be used inside a wall hanging to display the scorpion you killed.

    The should have more then one color scheme too, dark brown,green (easily seeable) and then the desert sand brown red sand colors (not easily seen and can actually blend in with the ground if your not paying attention)

    But the bottom line: If Minecrafts developers themselves have been toying around with the idea of Scorpions, they NEED to be in the game!!!!
    And they needed to be in it Yesterday.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    they could inflict poisin

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    Yesss, have them drop a posion sack you can use for brewing potions or arrows, and when they sting you make it deal poison damage like a cave spider. Make it so they spawn in desert caves at night and above ground in daytime in the desert. Also since scorpions glow in the dark have them light up under torches and lanterns. Make their claws nice and meaty sized, and have them about a block long from claw to tail

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    They should inflict poison and attack players. They could also hide in the sand like silver fish in stone.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Neutral Mob
    If you hit it, it attacks you, OR if you get within 1.5 blocks of it
    It does 3 Damage (1.5 Full Hearts) gives 4 seconds of Poison II everytime you get hit by it and it has 18 Health (Spiders have 16)
    It's (obviously) an arthropod, something we need much more of...
    And it would make the Desert far more scary to simply travel through

    Thats what i think it should do

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Scorpions live in more than desserts

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    Ok imma just fill in the detail that this posts lacks
    Scorpions, like husks, would replace spider spawns in deserts. They’d be similar size, and inflict poison.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    are they tameable?

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    This would be a very cool idea for a hostile mob exclusive to both the desert and Badlands biome's since they can easily use the Spider model as the base and just adjust the model a bit and give it big claw's and a scorpions tail that would inflict poison


    heck it would also be cool if just like Spider's that they would have a chance to spawn with a skeleton riding on their back making a Scorpion jockey

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Dude! Bane of Arthropods 4 kills spiders in one hit! So what’s the point in Bane of Arthropods 5? Scorpions!

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    I could see these as guardians of a desert temple or tomb, and acting a little like cave spiders. The big difference should be in the range of their attack, since scorpions would use their tails to sting rather than jump on the player. These could make a cool addition to desert structures and caves, and would also make bane of arthropods more useful!

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Their body could be 1 block tall while the tail would reach 2 bloxks tall, they wouldn't attack unless you get too close and would poison you and do decent damage


    When killed could drop a scorpion stinger possible used for a new weapon or poison your current weapon maybe

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    It would make Bane of arthropods more useful, so yes!

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    They should also spawn in badlands and jungle biomes.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I think scorpions should spawn in the badlands. Scorpion spawners should replace cave spider spawners in badlands mineshafts. It would fit more with the theme of the badlands and its surface mineshafts.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Could you add more details of their hostility, drops and behaviour?

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Si escorpiones seria buena idea como :

    1.seria bien si lo ponemos venenosa obvio pero también que dure más de 15 segundos y que deja mariado,lento y débil que te dejara sin poder colocar ni destruir cosas.

    2.El biomas puede ser desierto y de las maseta.

    3.Al matar a un escorpión puede dejar un escamas o caparazon como la tortuga pero se usara como armadura del pecho que con lleva espinas cuando zombies o animal etc. se envenena y mariado etc. al quien se le acerque.

    4.El escorpión puede ser alimentado con carne podrida o de su misma escamas para reproducirse al reproducirse los escorpiones bebes se subirán al lomo de la madre para crecer y al nacer deja caparazones o escamas de escorpión.
    5.Los escorpiones puede variar de color depende de donde están.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    They were able to do a mattel figure in a theme set , why they add them in ?

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    I think Minecraft should add 2 different types of scorpions: venomous and non-venomous. The non-venomous ones should have bigger claws and should be more common in the forest than in the desert. The desert ones should be a little smaller like what u did with the spiders and cave spiders. There should also be more than 2 different spawn eggs for different variants of scorpions or different colors to represent lethal and non lethal. The venomous scorpions should have 2 attacks: pinching (1 heart of damage) and stinging depending on the variant (wither effect for venomous scorpions, and poison effect for non venomous). Scorpions should be added in the "cave update" that many people request (plz make one) because some scorpions live in caves and it would make the most sense like the fish in aquatic update have variants. Plz make the scorpions like that at least 4 different types of scorpions (like the fish) 2 different variants (like the spiders) and 2 different affects u get from them (venomous=wither 2 for 10 seconds) (non-venomous= poison 2 for 5 seconds). I think that scorpions will be a great addition and add a little bit more danger to caves, forests, and deserts. That is why I think that scorpions should be added to Minecraft.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Maybe scorpions could drop a claw? or a stinger and u could make it into An arrow or as a tip of a sword? idk.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Scorpions should also lay eggs and attack each other if they don't mate by the 3 days that they are together. Maybe scorpions could also drop scorpion hide or u could kill baby scorpions that are about 5 days old and maybe they could drop a scorpion like what the pufferfish do. Why do they drop themselves ._.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    you need to tell us what it would be useful for like that when you kill it you can either get a bottle(s) of poison or its scales that you can craft into armor and it has more armor defense then leather.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    I feel like an arthropod update is what minecraft needs, Scorpions would be a great addition as well as another favorite of mine the Lobster. Here are my ideas for the Scorpion:

    Scorpions should spawn in desert and badlands biomes, perhaps also inside desert temples.

    2x2 is size, same an the spider

    Scorpions are mostly agressive. They will stand defensively upon first seeing the player at a distance, if the player attacks the Scorpion or gets too close to it (maybe 5-7 blocks) then the scorpion will chase and attack. Scorpion attacks mainly with its pincers and has a secondary attack using its stinger which will cause the player to be briefly paralyzed.

    Upon death the Scorpion drops its stinger. The stinger can be used in alchemy to craft a Potion of Paralysis and its variants.

    I feel like this would bring a much needed feeling of danger inside the supposedly "hostile" biomes of the minecraft overworld.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Scorpians could have a stinger that slows you down