How can we improve the existing moving creatures of Minecraft? Show us your coolest fantasy creatures. We are very interested in ideas that are unique and not just lists of mobs - spamming lists of animal names is spam and violates our posting guidelines. Be sure to check the Previously Considered Suggestion page (no sharks, MINECON Vote rejected monsters) before you post!


Requesting a Jellyfish Mob

under review


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  • Official comment
    Registered User commented
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    We really enjoyed the pictures during our discussion today about this idea!

  • 179
    Registered User commented
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    CaptFlagg you have such a great heart. You are very kind for doing this for her. I’m totally voting because the idea is unique and fun.😜

  • 86
    Registered User commented
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    Much obliged, MuffinMaker. I think the idea is fun too! It shouldn't be too great a task to build, and it gives players a cool little neutral mob to appreciate as well as be wary of. And if the developers could give them unique variations (perhaps in color glow?), that would make them even more interesting.

  • 38
    Registered User commented
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    Concept art is ready! I'll edit the post on Monday for all to see - I don't think posts are reviewed over the weekend and I wouldn't want mine to disappear for that long.

  • 36
    Registered User commented
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    I have to say, I will be "Jelly" once this definitely gets added into the game. Their really would be a lot of potential with jellyfish that would would not get specifically from other mobs and their behaviors. Maybe having them poison players like Pufers but move 50-75% slower (sometimes not at all) then them and deal more damage while also being a rare mob that would be perfect for new traps; however, I do think they would be a puffer fish variant.

  • 25
    Registered User commented
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    Thanks for the comment FireDrake! I really appreciate the support and suggestions. Those all sound like good ideas.

    The way I've pictured it, jellies would move like you said - about half as fast as normal mobs (like squids), as well as not covering near as much distance in order to simulate a tranquil floating behavior. And I can't stress enough the importance of the squish effect - like slimes do when they bounce.

    I figured they would be a mob that rarely spawns along shorelines, but gets more and more common the farther out to sea you go - especially in the new deep ocean biomes, where they could spawn in actual clusters in what would otherwise be empty ocean. And if developers accept my concept designs for different types of jellies, with unique colors and shapes, we'd be in for a cool experience every time we see one. A simple but completely new side to Minecraft.

  • 25
    Registered User commented
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    I think this would be a great idea!I do have some suggestions though.I think the jellyfish should give nausea for 5 or more seconds(also giving poison for a couple of seconds).Maybe if you killed them you get jelly which you could put on bread.I really hope this gets added into Minecraft as it would be an amazing mob in my opinion.

  • 17
    Registered User commented
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    Thanks Snailman! I do like the suggestion. It'll be up to the developers on exactly how dangerous jellies should be. I think that they shouldn't pose TOO great a danger, since I'd like them to be more mesmerizing than intimidating. And perhaps even a certain kind of jelly could be made that has no sting - kind of like the ones from Jellyfish Lake irl. If you had more than one type in the game, you could build an actual walk-in Aquarium full of these little glowy things.

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    Beautiful idea

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    Thank you very much, Doodle.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    It has some awesome concept art and I know the model is from the Mo' Creatures Mod but I honestly don't care so it is a great idea. I once tried requesting this and the exact model but I didn't know how to import the image well I did but I don't know if this was you but did you write the captions? This is a great idea and I should just shut up because I talk a lot and Im a chatterbox and yeah Ill  stop talking now.

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    Can I make a post about a drop that this mob could drop instead of slimeballs? I will give you full credit on the mob and I will leave a link about this article.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    Riptide, thank you so much for the feedback! The concept art is actually brand new, all of it designed by me. But I will give credit where it's due: the Palau Jelly variety was inspired by one of the versions in the Mo' Creatures mod. Aside from that, each jelly was designed to be relatively simple to build in my eyes, while still maintaining an eye-catching appearance. Rest assured that this will be something never before made in another mod, down to the mob's actions and characteristics.

    I would be flattered if you made such a post and linked mine to it. If you'd be so kind, could you also leave a comment below with a link to your post? I think that it would draw more traffic for both of us that way.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    Jellyfish Drops link here.

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    Okay, time to hand out some real advice :P

    Here's what I dislike about your idea.

    - The fact that you appear to want jellyfish to be common. We already have squids, dolphins, turtles, and four species of fish in the oceans, plus animated plant life. I fear that adding lots of jellyfish may have negative impacts on peoples' computers' performance, especially when added to a biome that is already mob-heavy. So I recommend that you stay open to the possibility of having this as a rarer mob, perhaps like pufferfish.

    - The fact that your jellyfish come in lots of different models. Some Minecraft mobs do come in different textures (like rabbits and horses) but very few come in more than one model (an exception would be baby zombies). That means that asking for four different jellyfish models is pretty unprecedented, and is kind of like asking for four new mobs instead of one. That's a lot to ask for, so I recommend sticking with a single jellyfish type, maybe two at the most.

    - The fact that you are approaching this as a petition to give a birthday gift to the young lady mentioned in your post. This is not how things work here. The foremost goal of your ideas should be to improve the game, not hope Mojang adds special treats for people you know.

    Fortunately, your idea still has quite a bit of merit. Here's what I do like about your idea.

    - The artwork, which is stunning. I think the moon jellyfish is the best - you should focus most on that one, imho.

    - The fact that jellyfish can damage you without being hostile. No other mob passively damages you like this, and it is a very intriguing concept. The glow-in-the-dark idea is also a fantastic and unique idea. Because of these ideas, your jellyfish mob would still add something new to the game without needing to (for example) drop something useful when killed. As a matter of fact, it really doesn't need to drop anything at all, and I think RiptideDolphin's potion idea is a bit overkill. Why add a reason to murder these majestic creatures?

    A jellyfish that spawns relatively rarely and only in certain biomes, has only one model (or maybe two, and perhaps with a few varying textures), gives off light, passively damages you, and looks as good as your art here - that would be something I could really get excited about. Thanks for posting!

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    MacchuPicchu, thank you very much for the constructive criticism.

    I was actually on the fence on whether or not the mob should be common. Making them rarer would mean they won't be able to be appreciated as much (kind of like the Wood Mansion as an extreme example, something very well designed but very rarely seen). But making them common would, as you said well, slow down computer performance and crowd up the water. Which is why I suggested they stay in deep ocean biomes only, which eliminates them from all rivers, lakes, swamps, and shoreline areas. They would be relatively rare in that sense, but if they should spawn even less frequently to save runtime, I wouldn't mind that at all.

    Your second point. Yes, I provided different models. I wanted something the developers could choose from, or perhaps even be inspired by to make their own. Each design was carefully made by me after some extended research into the jellies, deciding on which species were the most unique, the most recognizable, etc. Would I like all the models to be implemented? Absolutely. It would make the mob that much more fun to track down and observe, and some of them have unique features like extreme rarity or harmlessness. But not all of them have to be in the game. And in fact, the first 3 that I made were nearly identical, just with added or elongated tentacles.

    The fact that I'm approaching this idea as a birthday gift is not actually true. I am approaching this as a legitimate idea and not a favor to ask. I understand this is not a place to make a personal wishlist, nor am I requesting sympathy by talking about it. I mentioned it so people know that it is in fact a time sensitive request. The entire point of my designing this mob was so that it could perhaps appear before a certain date, and I needed to give the reason for that date. The Minecraft developers were kind enough to take a personal motive like this seriously once before, when they gave the rabbit mob the Toast texture.

    Your compliments are very much appreciated. I'm happy to hear that this mob idea is a kind never before seen in the game. It's simple, yet it's interesting. Hopefully this does get implemented, and soon. Again, thanks for the comment!

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Hi CaptFlagg,

    Thanks for the reply - you have very reasonable points all around :) I do want to offer a few clarifications and follow-up points.

    When I wrote that I felt that you were "approaching this as a petition to give a birthday gift", what I meant was that I felt that you have been trying to curry support through emotional appeals, not actual merit. Reread the last paragraph of your original post and you will surely see what I mean - you spend the whole paragraph essentially saying "please vote to make this little girl happy", not "here's why I think this would be a great addition to Minecraft". Whether or not that's the message you intended to convey is besides the point. (Part of the problem is that you've made it your final paragraph, which emphasizes its importance more than you might have meant to.) Thankfully, your post does have plenty of actual merit, as I mentioned.

    I could always be proven wrong, but I wouldn't get my hopes up as for having this implemented by a certain date. Mojang, as a rule, never promises features by certain dates, and they just generally tend to take their time on adding things, as they should. Remember also that while Toast was simply an extra texture for a mob that had already been added, your idea asks for an completely new mob to be included in the game. I also remember reading somewhere (can't seem to find it) that jellyfish was something the devs had already considered and rejected for the Update Aquatic. Of course, I do think they should read through this post before making a final call on that, but it's not up to us....

     You are more than welcome for the feedback! Again, thanks for the reply.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I recently realized this mob is a birthday present. I'm not doing this for her, but for the sake of Minecraft itself. Either way, happy birthday to her!

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Riptide Dolphin, thank you for the comment. Hopefully this WILL be implemented in time for a great birthday present!

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Okay, when I first read the article and saw the concept art, I had an illusion of an underwater ravine, very dark navy blue water, and a small group of jellies, the blue common ones, just swimming and illuminating the gloomy, misty water. I absolutely love the idea! And btw, if it isn't added in the time you hope for, maybe consider giving it as a late birthday present? I don't think she'd be that disappointed, either way, it's not up to the community what gets added and what doesn't.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Dolphin, I love the picture you envisioned with these jellies! It's that exact kind of feel that I was trying to convey with this type of mob - like glowy light sources in dark underwater territory.

    Hopefully the idea DOES get implemented in time... there's still a little over a month left. But if not, a late birthday gift is better than none. Fingers crossed that the timing is good and it all works out.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    CaptFlagg, the update aquatic is officially out, and they don't tend to do even the smallest in-game features (excluding bugs) between the full release of an update and a MineCon, which is September 29. There's a small chance (like, the chances of getting struck by lightning and the chance of winning the lottery combined [maybe the chance of getting struck by lightning just after winning the lottery {please forgive my large comments, I am a very talkative person}]) of them releasing 1.14 (or 1.7 for bedrock) before 2019.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Riptide, this site was set up to receive feedback for a reason, and developers do peruse the ideas. Perhaps there's a surprise update coming. I'll admit the second phase of the Aquatic Update was quite the disappointment because of a lack of content (almost all the material in the second phase was bug fixes and tweaks). Maybe they'll have the time to sneak in some fan favorites from this site.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I think the Jellies will fit in well with the Coral Reefs, floating around in the water, blending in with the transparent bodies, with the textures meshed in the corals as if they're a part of the block.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I was going to mention that in a suggestion of my own! Jelly fish would be a great addition👍


  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    James, Wolf, thank you both for your support! Hopefully this gets implemented soon!

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Inkycatz, can't tell you how happy I am to read your comment! I'm very glad that my pictures were of use in visualizing the concept. Would be eternally grateful if this became a reality, and if it were possible, I am ready to assist in whatever way I can to help make it happen.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Wow this looks great I hope it ends up getting added to Minecraft because jellyfish are one of my favourite creatures (second only to sharks) and it seems like a great feature and if it doesn’t hopefully you or someone else could make a mod based off this because I think that this is all a wonderful idea

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I hope so too, Dragon. It'd be a fantastic addition to the game in my personal opinion. Hopefully it gets implemented.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    I am 99.999999999% percent sure this will be added eventually, ESPECIALLY after Nova said they loved it at the dev discussion/meeting or whatever it is, I'm not a Mojang Employee xD!