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Dia de Los Muertos event


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  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Seems too wacky and insane for me

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    Registered User commented
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    Why would anyone celebrate death?

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I agree, this is an awesome idea. My family celebrates Dia de los Muertos and it would be a real treat to be able to celebrate it in-game as well. It could be so cool if the Land of the Dead was represented by the Nether or something!

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    Registered User commented
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    Maybe it could be an affect on the nether. A structure or a biome that's rare. As far as the nether goes, I know it's not explicitly below, the overworld, it's not explicitly hell. All in all it seems like a scary place, but that doesn't mean it has to be all negative. Maybe there could be a place that's kind of like christianity's purgatory, a greek Elysium, or a Land of the Dead. Of course on Dia de Los Muertos there could be something happen there that enlivens it. 

    Maybe it's a sort of ancient village. On Dia de Los Muertos the windows and stuff all light up, and the village becomes "alive," and now you can go around and make trades with the villagers.

    Maybe in a way their trades can be a celebration of life, where the villagers ask for flowers, cookies, chocolate. Specific personalized items. In addition to this they might trrade unique enchantments, or music discs. Masks, candles. I think that's a way that this could be put into the game in a really cool way. 

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    Registered User commented
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    Se trata de cuando todos mueren

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    De no ya me olvide

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    Registered User commented
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    Ya lo dije

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I don't know if it could be implemented... That woukd mean many other cultures to be included, which would be more work for just one day... Although maybe, they could create marketplace content, like maps and character creator items

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Great idea! I think they should implement floral patterns on skeletons around the day in recognition instead though. There's already pumpkins on mobs for halloween and present chests for Christmas so why not?