I, want to introduce what chemistry and science added to minecraft could do for us the player and the game its self,.... I think that it can introduce advanced smithing, smelting, tools, potion making, cooking, redstone, wepons, and farming,...new items like salt, brick furnace, steel, molten"obsidion"culdron (for smelting/making steel,) "however this would require obsidion to be mineable by iorn pickaxe but only 2 or 4 per iorn pick, leveling the system", and introducing other items like brighter torches, torch durability/life time,diffrent lighting syestems for red stone, hand held torches, a new potion brewer that can combine two potions into. one with both effects or three with both effects but with effect times 1/3 of the original,...... now to the tools and wepons, this could introduce new tools like scythes for sugercane and wheat, increasing crop income, wepons like katana, broad sword, hooked arrows, spears(fishing/ and tipped combat spears), long bows, compound bows, wepons that would add diffrent combat styles and ways to have fun, this has a potential to introduce new farming crops like tall wheat, corn, rice, and pumpkin an watermelon seeds that cause sprouts to stem with 2-4 pumpkins an watermelons per seed,... ,.... but this is like a little to much and i think the system its self should be changed to a simpler and easier system at first, also if steel gets added, things like dimond reinforced or gold reinforced steel tools/equipment could also be added,....
all in all the education syestem brings forth the possibility of thousands of new items, tools, redstone, mobs, blocks, wepons, ect.... and id love to see if it could incorperate things like salt an steel,....
This could bring ways to educate others about things like chemistry while making it a fun part of the game
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