If you want to propose a change to an existing structure (like villages), or add something brand new in a current dimension or biome, this is the place.


Caves Update



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  • 104
    Registered User commented
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    I think cave specific zombies would be neato, ones that have better vision, hit harder, but have less health. Kinda like the husks (in the essence of area specific zombies)

  • 110
    Registered User commented
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    Maybe different types of mushrooms, biome specific monsters for biome specific caves?

  • 81
    Registered User commented
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    I agree but please add Ruby too!!

  • 48
    Registered User commented
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    Estoy de acuerdo con la sugerencia de estalagmita, y de mas minerales distintos, Porque esta bien los diamantes, esmeralda, el oro y otros más.

    Pero que las cuevas sean conforme a los biomas encontrados que tengan alguna relacion. 



  • 92
    Registered User commented
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    I really want ice caves. I do want more ores. Maybe amythyst as we don't have a purple ore, it would be biome specific (maybe the swamp biome?) and be used for decorative blocks as well as maybe having a role in enchanting (some enchantments being lapis, some being amethyst). Maybe witches could drop them too?

  • 53
    Registered User commented
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    Pls make caves interesting again #makecavesintrestingagain

  • 67
    Registered User commented
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    To add something I think would be interesting, some very deep caves with hardcore monsters. In order to survive one must have high level enchanted armor and weapons. IMO, high level enchantments removes the challenge todays mobs gives you. Having some very hardcore mobs deep in some caves/dungeons would be cool.

  • 96
    Registered User commented
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    I would like to share my thoughts on this feedback rather than making a new topic with basically having the same feedbacks, so here it comes;


    Cave biomes,

    I love this suggestion/feedback & examples and I would like to add some more feedback to this specifically;

    As for ice caves, 10 blocks high hollow caves, containing ice and stalagmite and stalagtite ice among with an increased resource of iron and/or gold, perhaps even add a light white fog that somewhat limits your vision but not a whole lot.

    As for bats infested caves, maybe some water pools here and there, and perhaps a new type of vine(roots)?

    As for lava caves, same as ice caves besides increased monsters, darker fog and increase resource of coal among with a darker variant of stone and usage of magma blocks.


    Among these, I think it would nice to have cave biome exclusive animals that can be tamed and bred with, such as moles, butterflies(maybe), spiders, ect., maybe perhaps even a coyote in a coyote den biome.


  • 76
    Registered User commented
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    Dwarves maybe. like slightly shorter, bearded villagers that trade in mushrooms and pork or stone pickaxes. spawning rarely within caves, or even within mineshafts. they wield pickaxes sort of like zombie pigmen and will attack if attacked. it would give some lore to who built some of those mineshafts.

  • 39
    Registered User commented
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    Saya harap agar ditambahkan lebih bayak ore baru dan mob baru serta monsterbaru di dalam goa

  • 61
    Registered User commented
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    I think if they updated the caves, Rubies, and crystals would be pretty cool, the Ruby would be better than Stone but not as good as iron. Then Crystals would be better than diamonds, but still can't break bedrock, but deals more damage, and is harder to break. these two new ores would come with new armor, and new weapons and tools. I think that would be pretty cool. Also. Maybe the new caves would have little and big pools in them, but the water is a different color than the ocean, and swamp biomes. Finally it would be cool if the different caves were different depending on the different  biome. Like for instance the tundra biome would have a snowy cave with maybe strays, then the jungle biome could have vines, and mossy cobblestone in it, and maybe secret underground runes waiting to be discovered.

  • 49
    Registered User commented
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    Minecraft has the word mine and craft in its name so you will think there's a lot of content in the caves but there's not please cave update

  • 46
    Registered User commented
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    Love it And i would also want some more ores!

  • 54
    Registered User commented
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    Unique enemies, more strongholds, larger strongholds with bosses, new ores for new powerful weapons, oil(maybe cart-cars)? Maybe where you can craft a sort of a minecart-car which doesn't need rails but is slow and instead of coal runs on oil found deep underground. I would love to see if players can craft drills which is on a minecart or minecart-car and it cuts through rock till it runs out of fuel which the player has to refuel. Also the nether could also contain new ores for players to find, maybe the end city also has ores to craft powerful end armor. These are some cool ideas I would love to see in 1.15.

  • 66
    Registered User commented
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    I agree so much...It makes sense too..Well i would like things such as more "alive" caves like adding more varients to creepers and spiders underground and while were discussing about the cave update i think Mojang should "upgrade" the stronghold and other underground structures..like adding skeleton miners...adding mob spawners in strongholds...so it would be an actual challenge and while at that i also feel like the ender eyes can be used for greater things...rather then pointing at the stronghold it should try to find the portal...and i would be happy if they added new ores...it shouldn't be anything crazy like in mods..here are my ores wishlist=Onix,Steel,thyrium,adamantium copper,tin,bronze and mythril(crystals would be great too actually)

    Some of the top can be made knto other things other than armor but i didnt think of that yet..

  • 54
    Registered User commented
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    If the cave update is coming, then we need the Ruby to make a comeback to Minecraft but this time for the ruby, the ore's color of the gem will be red pink so Minecraft players won't get confuse this time betweem Redstone and the Ruby.

  • 43
    Registered User commented
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    I agree, this will be very good for minecraft 


  • 49
    Registered User commented
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    You should add titanium ore. It could be better than iron, but not quite as good as diamond. The cave update is a great idea.

  • 52
    Registered User commented
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    I have an idea of mobs the lost miner a human that is lost in the cave if you find him he will follow you and if you bring him to a village  he will give you gifts and the villagers will give discounts because you were nice

    NEW BOSS NEW BOSS stone heart will create if you mine the powerful stone the rarest stone and like the wither storm of mcsm it will eat the nearby stones an then it will be bigger and bigger

    Hide n seek (silly name) this mob is a netureal mob its size like a shulker and it has texture of a diamond ore if MINED it it will become bigger and attack you

  • 37
    Registered User commented
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    Agreed Ruston

  • 44
    Registered User commented
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    Would vampires fit in caves of Minecraft or they would only fit in possible new castle structures?

  • 44
    Registered User commented
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    I agree

    We need more ores for armor/weaponry and some more things to discover,fight & mine .
    New mobs,bosses & even a whole dimension full of caves

  • 39
    Registered User commented
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    And Red Dragon As well in caves..

  • 46
    Registered User commented
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    Another good idea is like with whither where you find a rare block maybe titanium and find like a soul crystal which gives life to like a metal like golem which has a powerful earthquake attack which destroys the surround blocks, not like the TNT destruction but just break and fly in the air, he can also pick those rocks up and throw them at you.

  • 43
    Registered User commented
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    new minerals! new mob! NEW BIOME! NEW CAVE!

  • 57
    Registered User commented
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    what would be way cool is to have underground ork or goblin style creatures with underground villages for dwarves or gnomes in underground grottoes, some form of underground lighting similar to glowstone but maybe not as bright, underground rivers, huge caverns with those underground villages, the occasional villager/illager hermits, villager hermits that trade for food or illager hermits that attack on sight, underground mushroom farms, possible beast giant centipedes orks goblins dwarves  gnomes 

  • 54
    Registered User commented
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    Ok 👌 Cave Update ideas you’ve got them more ores more caves mobs should spawn in groups the deeper you go dungeons are now bigger and have 4 rooms with 1chest in each room. Emerald should be somekind of armor little bit better than diamond 💎.
    There could be ores in end/nether but let’s wait for them to get harder then add them mineshaft now spawn ghostly miners which have 35 heath and diamond ♦️ pick. Gold ore spawns more common in mineshafts as well as redstone. Every time you’re in a village with emerald armor you get the luck effect for 4:00 every 3 days. And discounts more common. More light sources glowing muchrooms glowing ores that doesn’t make a light source but glows in the dark as well. Then all cave suggestions and that’s about it I really hope some of these awesome features gets added I’m so excited 😆.

  • 43
    Registered User commented
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    it can be a good update considiring its half of the games name

  • 41
    Registered User commented
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    I think the cave update will have different blocks and when you go to deep i think have many different ores.

  • 41
    Registered User commented
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    -ice creepers
    New types of ores into types of tools