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Phantoms should spawn in the End


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  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Phantoms spawning trigger seems more fitting for The End, anyway. 

    Players can spend extended periods in the end without sleeping since there isn't' a Day/Night cycle. Hopping from one City to the next, or AFK'ing at an Endermen farm, should come with risks. 

    Phantoms would also pose a significantly higher threat in the End, knocking players on the edge of an island into the Void.

    Most players I know who roam in the overworld carry a bed to skip the night anyway. Phantoms rarely have the ability to spawn at all. 

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Not to mention considering how hard they are to kill for a fairly new player (who will most likely be the only ones encountering them unintentionally), compared to how useless their drop is at that point in the game! The only 2 things it's used for is potions of slow falling (which tell me outside of elytra when has anybody ever used?) and to repair elytra which is quite literally an end game item! 

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    maybe this could be apart of an end update? maybe they sometimes protect end cities or the ender dragon? or maybe there spawning is more balanced so they aren't annoying like they are now? and maybe the ender dragon can call for them? good post to.    :)

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I don't think adding phantoms is a good idea. The idea of having to worry about not sleeping for phantoms to attack you, you looking up the end sky in worry whil still trying to avoid looking at Endermen and trying to do your planned task would be annoying, not fun, and unnecessary.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Yes! Or maybe a variation of the phantom that drops gunpowder!

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    It would be a fun challenge if they spawned especially around end ships to protect the elytras!

    Some people think it would be too hard, but… it’s normal, it’s supposed to be the End of the game! And highly valuable loot deserves some amount of difficulty.

    But I understand that it could be very annoying, for example if you want to build when you’ve already spent some time in this dimension. So I got an idea: why not adding an item, a new totem, that you would find in the End and that would repulse phantoms? I created a post for it here.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Great idea, I would love to see it implemented.

    For those who are concerned about getting mobbed by phantoms, here is my balance suggestion: Make more phantoms spawn the further you get from a major island. No phantoms would spawn directly over major islands. This would make it so if you want to build long bridges you will fight more phantoms or you could play it safe and avoid (most of) the phantoms.

    This would also make it much harder to 'skip' the dragon by building to the outer islands before killing the dragon for the first time. If you tried to 'skip' the dragon, you would get mobbed by tons of phantoms and most likely killed.


    Note: If you have not tried flying with the phantoms, it is fun aaaannnnd a death sentence. I tried it... once.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Yes! I was going to submit this idea myself, and I found this post. This would totally fix the phantoms issue. It would also make the dragon fight a little harder, since you can't use Potions of Slow Falling (unless you bridge to the outer islands). Phantoms would fit in The End too, because they fly like the dragon, and because we know that phantom membranes are the material for elytra.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Um... the end is entirely floating islands. Most of the time you have to place blocks and make precarious bridges just to get anywhere. Having Phantoms in the End would be literal heck (Plus, what made Phantoms unique is that they are one of the few flying mobs specific to the overworld). As cool as it is in concept, in actuality it would be really really annoying. :/

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    It makes so much more sense when you think about Phantom membrane which is an item for REPARING ELYTRA should be located in the end where the Elytra actually is


  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    This is a great idea but needs balancing.
    It is a great idea because:
    1) phantoms are annoying in the in the overworld and in the early game, but their threat can be completely negated when the sun rises.
    2) phantoms provide phantom membrane, an item whose only functions are late game functions. Elytra/brewing stand. (Brewing stand is as early as it gets.)
    3) they would fit well with the aesthetic of the end.
    4) have you ever seen an enderman sleep before?

    They would need balancing because
    1) the primary threat of the end is the elder dragon, and having them around on the main island would be annoying. (Fix: keep them away from the main island. Perhaps make end crystals kill them, but prioritize healing the ender dragon, or simply make them unable to spawn)
    2) bridging to other islands would be a challenge. They would force you to take precautions like building a railing when you bridge through the end. (Make it so they only spawn above solid ground. Maybe the ground above their spawn must be 3 blocks thick or something.)
    3) phantoms only spawn after the player hasn’t slept for a few nights. The way they spawn would have to change, and it would sacrifice the integrity of the phantom’s lore, which Mojang is very protective over.

    Overall I love this idea but it will need work.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Definitely like this idea, would make exploring the End more interesting and treacherous which it should be as endgame content. Elytra combat vs phantoms sounds cool.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I love this idea. The Phantom should be added to The End and removed from the overworld.
    Another possibility to balance the Phantom would be if they came from nests that spawned in The End, rather than randomly appearing above you.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    The old nether wasn't as safe as looking down and pressing f5 to remove all dangers.We have ghast fireballs, magma cubes, and in the newer updates, skeletons, piglins, and hoglins that keep you on edge for the most port of your nether journey. Phantoms spawning in the end would be the first step to an actually dangerous End, and it will nerf a lot of enderman farm designs as well. 

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Yes! I think they should be an end exclusive mob, that way you won't have to deal with the annoyance in the overworld and you have some actual challenge to get some of the best loot in the game.

    At the moment the end cities are too easy to loot and get mass ammounts of diamond armour with little effort. Having a phantom chase you as you fly with an elytra would add extra the challenge that we need.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    For the end, I thought about an alive version of the phantom, that use the model from the drawing, but would be called "ender ray". But it would be a passive mob, like an animal, that we could sometime see flying in the air. But leaving the end would turn them into phantom, like piglins and hoglin that become undeads if they leave the nether.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    First of all, I don't necessarily disagree with you, Phantoms would be cool to have in the end. But not the way they are right now, and no the way the end is right now. People already complain about phantoms so much, Mojang literally added a setting that gets rid of them, something that has happened to no other mob in Minecraft! And that's with them being avoidable vie sleep. Now imagine that they were completely unavoidable in the nether.

    I don't know if you play bedrock or Java, but I'm gonna compare end phantoms to ghasts in the nether. I play bedrock, and ghost are super annoying, I've heard that in Java you don't run into them a lot, but in bedrock their constant, there's always at least one ghast in sight, and sometimes two of them will spawn in the same spot and gang up on you! They're super annoying, and they're literally the biggest danger I face traversing the nether. Phantoms would probably have similar spawn rates (and probably more equally annoying across versions), they would be life threatening when bridging (some people say "Just pearl", but that's not always possible/easy/safe).

    As of right now, end islands are vary safe, which makes sense because they have nothing of value on them. End cities are super challenging, but have great stuff. Phantoms would make end life harder, and I don't want the boring end to become even more annoying.

    However, if Phantoms were upgraded, and the end was updated, I think they would be plausible.