Wild berries can be found nearly everywhere in the world in real life, and now it's time add them to Minecraft. Wild berries are a blue-ish color and can be found in warm humid areas such as forests and jungles but can also be found in swamps, they are found in groups of 4-8 and can be grown as a bush or placed on a log for a vine variant. These blue berries give 2 and a half hunger points and 1.3 saturation. They are perfect for ambiants and decoration. But like always never eat unknown foods you find in the wild as these have a 10% chance of nausea and 5% chance of poison for 10 seconds. When unripe they will provide 1-2 berries, when ripe 3-4 berries and sheared 5-6 berries. For a photo click here
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