Your dedicated space for sending us feedback and suggestions for Update 1.21!


remake the classic dungeons and structures


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  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I reckon adding Baze powder/Eyes of Ender to overworld structures would be neat.

    Like find 1 Baze powder in a village is not going to break the game. it would mean that a player who can't do the nether can still get to the End in any old seed just it would take like 500 days. you should be able to get to the end without killing blazes(Challange get to the End without killing any mobs).

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    god hear you and hopefully they will add it to the game

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    we have to increase the appearance of all the dungeons, the same probability that the trial chambers have seems to be good

    it's been a long time since I've encountered a jungle temple and obviously they upgraded that forgotten dungeon.