I have an idea that I would like that the developers could read it and take it into account.
is a way in which the players will be able to visualize the coordinates without using the f3 key (java) and see so many things on screen, this is something that scares the players that enter for the first time to the game
also i know that in bedrock to see the coordinates you have to activate an option when creating the world, but it doesn't seem immersive to me.
the idea I have is to give a use to the abandoned compasses, both the normal ones and the recovery compasses.
a new slot will be added in the armor part, in which you can put at least 3 items that are now in minecraft vanilla:
- the clock to know if it is day or night, having it in the slot will not be necessary to have the item in hand because in the top left of the screen there will be a small drawing (say a sun, a setting sun and the moon) so players to be mining and simply move the look and know if it is day or night.
- the normal compass which would work as the coordinates are currently implemented in bedrock, the compass will be put in the new slot and then appear in the top left of the screen coordinates, thus avoiding the excess of information that is in the f3 key, obviously in bedrock will be implemented the same way
- the recovery compass will work the same as the normal one but at the bottom of the normal coordinates there will be others which will indicate your previous death.
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