In Vanilla Minecraft, there are three structures in the nether, the Bastion, The Fortress, and The Ruined Portal. I have several suggestions for a nether change. First the biomes, there should be a biome called Mega warped biome, it has huge trees that have mosquitoes in them, they suck your blood and deal 1 heart of damage per 2 seconds. Now, we get to mobs. There should be dragons, the dragon can shoot molten lava, fireballs, and create a fire tornado, if you get too close to a dragon, you take fire damage. There are only four dragons in the nether. Once you kill It, it will drop dragon scales that can enhance weapon/armour durability and damage by 10. Next, there should be boss piglins that command servant piglins. The servant piglins have gold armour and sword, enchanted and non enchanted, and a crossbow. boss piglin is a coward, so it does nothing besides command servant piglins. Once you kill him, he drops 20 blocks of gold. Next, there should be fire demons. They are servants of the king of the nether, it does all sorts of fire related things. Finally, the king of the nether lives in the castle, it commands any mobs within a radii of 300 blocks. It has 3 phases, 1st phase are vulnerable to projectiles, 2nd phase is opposite, 3rd phase can only be damaged by sword. Now structures, dragon dens, After you defeat dragon, You get to mine 2 blocks of netherite, 5 diamond blocks, 7 emerald blocks, 10 gold blocks, 15 iron blocks, 20 gold blocks. Check part 2 bc limit=1500words
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