Please make a whaleshark mob (with no mods). There will be a whaleshark mob and have new abilities like the devour ability, the camouflage ability, sniffing out ores and gang ability. There should be a new whaleshark block called whaleshark skulk and sea ore. If you give a whaleshark those then in return there will be the most o.p. loot in the game. There should be a new biome called the warm waters. If you give the whaleshark dyorite then in return it will give you a stack of eyes of ender.There should be a 100% chance to have a whaleshark temple in the warm waters biome. If you put a whaleshark in a megatank then the whakeshark will follow you in to the end dimension and defeat the enderdragon.There should be a new item called the megatank and you can take the whaleshark with you in this tank.The whaleshark should be 63 blocks long and rideable. The whaleshark king should be 100 blocks long. The whaleshark should be able to fly and go as quick as you want with its gills. The whaleshark can make bubble booms with its mouth which are like sonic booms. The whaleshark should be a friendly mob. If you you press A and then crouch on the whaleshark you will turn on autoswim or autopilot. Whaleshark babies should be cuter than the adult whalesharks.The whaleshark can pull boats. Whaleshark eggs should have a 99% chance of spawning in suspicious sand. The whaleshark should be able to go quicker while flying.
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