On behalf of the parkour and speedbridging communities, bug fixes MC-271065 and MC-241951 need to be reverted. Furthermore, these are actually considered features to many high-level parkour players and speed-bridgers, and should be classified as such.
Taking away the 40% speed increase along the diagonal will hurt a lot of mechanics, maps, and techniques that depend on this, both in parkour and speedbridging. Such a major rework will hurt these communities in the long and short term. This "bug" has established use in these communities, and will frankly affect more than just them. For example, as a user shared here, building in survival will be much more tedious, since placing blocks will be considerably slower on roofs, for example.
Also, taking away the individual axis cancellation of movement at slow speeds significantly impacts sidestep, which is hugely important in parkour and speedbridging. This is a common effect in video games often implemented purposefully, such as b-hopping in CS:GO or Quake. It will negatively impact the movement experience in Minecraft and make it more wooden and stiff.
I think there is no need to implement any of these changes. This will affect the casual experience by purposefully nerfing player movement, and it will affect high-level play significantly; that, in turn, will hurt Minecraft's longevity and force players to older versions. Please, Mojang, do NOT implement these changes.
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