First, types. Army ants, (spawn in jungle) fire ants, (spawn in plains and forests, and the jungle) and the regular ones. (spawn in plains, forests, and beaches) There also now spawns ant hills, and when you break it, 50 ants come out. You need a silk touch pickaxe to collect the anthill. Otherwise, you will get the new dirt item, and this can be used to craft the dirt block. When you kill it, it drops 2 ant antennas, witch when 2 antennas, 1 redstone torch, and 1 cobblestone, will make an iPhone Facetime. You can see others' people's faces, and their emotes if there doing one. CTRL + E will end the call. Weakness is water. They die instantly when touching. They have a queen, which spawns an ant every MC day to prevent lag. In a world, there are over 100 QUADRILLION ANTS in a Minecraft world. Atleast that's what it starts with. When a Minecraft world is existing, they don't despawn. Armadillos eat the ants.
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