With how short and dry the sound font for note blocks are, it greatly limits the creative potential that players can explore with them. I do admit it is charming, but here's a simple addition that can make greatly impact the way players use them.
When you place a decorated pot on top of a note block, it adds reverb to the sound. One example of how players might be able to explore this mechanic might be creating a chime of a grandfather clock, more atmospheric guitar music or recreate the sound of a huge gong.
The reason this would be done with decorated pots would be because the hollow insides of pots create a chamber for sound to reverberate in, which gives it the effect.
Perhaps give players the ability to change the amount of reverb through resource packs.
And if you add more sounds for note blocks to use, such as copper blocks lapis or melons, that could make a game drop feel a lot bigger. It might encourage players who shy away from note blocks to start experimenting with them.
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