With spawn immunity being removed because it was apparently a bug I feel like a lot more players will be dying, so I propose death chests, death chests can only be opened by the person who owns the chest outside of a pvp death, though deaths not caused directly by a player killing the person who owns the chest will treat it as a non-pvp death, this is also the case if a recently joined the world as it would be an unfair death. Once you die a death chest will spawn to the closest safe zone (farthest away from any threats while being exposed to the air, including players, this is ignored when it is a pvp death however). Once respawning the player who died will be shown the location of their death chest, if the player respawns in the overworld but the chest is in the nether then they will be given the overworld equivalent of where the death chest is, if the chest is in the end it will point them to the nearest active ender portal then it will show the coordinates of the chest. Death Chests appear as a dark version of the normal chest, on all sides of the death chest there will be a symbol showing what the player died by, fire for environmental deaths, zombie for mob deaths and a sword for player deaths.
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