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Allow bows and crossbows to draw arrows from bundles


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    Registered User commented
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    This is a great idea, I like that you mentioned this, because it not only makes bundles more useful but also makes using bows/crossbows a lot nicer to do, instead of swapping arrows, you just put all the arrows you can in a bundle to then use as ammo, nice idea.

    I like your idea of the bundle basically being a Quiver but with more possibility, and also, the randomized arrows thing is also pretty nice, this'd be really cool to see in the game.

    I hope this feature is added into the game, it would be really fun to have.
    Plus I'm sure it'd also be useful for storytelling, if arrows can be shot from the bundles, then a lot can probably be done with this.

    Anyways, hope you stay creative and have a wonderful day!