Many of us know how Mojang has been thanking players about how they've helped Minecraft's development over the past few months, but they've never really specified how. They just tell us that we've had a bigger impact on it than we think and leave it there.
Well, how do we know if we've even been noticed if our posts on the feedback site aren't some of the lucky few to be announced or released?
Let me give you an example. I made a post (found at a few months ago that has some similarities to the pale garden (This was even before we were told about the changes to Minecraft Live), but how do I know if it actually inspired people at Mojang or if it was just a coincidence?
Okay, I know that sending an email to every single player who helped to inspire Mojang would probably take too much time and effort, but maybe if there was some sort of tag that Mojang could put on posts to say that it helped them develop a part of the game (specifying which part would probably give more people satisfaction) would be nice.
I hope you like this idea! Vote if you do!
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