Redstone can be used to make everything from automatic piston doors to flying houses, but not everyone knows how to use it to the best of its ability. The only way to learn to use it other than simply testing it out is to look it up, but that stifles creativity. I thought since the only other way to get familiar with it was to play around with it, a structure should be made to help you get started with that. Make your way to the Redstone Playground! The Redstone playground is a well-lit facility carved out into the sides of the mountains with many displays of Redstone principles. There would be three expansive floors stacked on top of each other. The first floor would be the place with all of the displays of the principles. There would be all kinds of combinations with all of the principles and a display of all of the Redstone blocks too. The second floor would be very similar to an abandoned mine shaft, except the only ore you can find in it is Redstone. The top floor would have things that you can test your machines on, such as mobs with different max health, blocks with different blast and fire resistance, etc. These structures would have a 50% chance of being in a mountain range. Mobs would only spawn on the top floor, not the bottom two.
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