It should be hidden in the ocean. Hundreds of blocks from land, and even further away from another village. There's conduit's scattered all around the village so that the villagers and players (when they found the village) can breathe. It should be on the ocean floor and the village should be at least 20 blocks bellow the sea level to make it hard to find. It should be extremely rare and there should be a Verry rare change to find a map to one of the underwater villages in a ship reck. I think in the middle of the village ( were the bell is) there should be a ship reck building sunken in the ground., on on the deck there should be the bell. The buildings should be made of both types of prismane. I think there should be a new type of door for the village's door called Sea Door, and the door should leet water into the house and not be like a normal door where there is a side with air and it shouldn't be like the iron door where you need redstone to open the villagers won't be able to get in and out. And it should be the same for the beds, also I think the beds should be dark and light blue beds as it's underwater. Drowned should be able to spawn in the village at day but at light and they can spawn at day if there 20 blocks away from the village. I think the crops should be edible seaweed and there should be a few different types witch regain different hunger points depending on the crop.
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